DSADD Quota (installable option via RSAT /AD DS)

Add a quota to active directory.

      DSADD quota -part PartitionDN [-rdn RelativeDistinguishedName]
         -acct Name -qlimit Value  [-desc Description] 
            [{-s Server | -d Domain}] [-u UserName] [-p {Password | *}]
               [-q] [{-uc | -uco | -uci}]

   PartitionDN  Distinguished name of the quota to add.
            If omitted will be taken from standard input (stdin).

   -rdn     The Relative Distinguished Name of the quota specification to be created.
            Default=Domain_AccountName (based on -acct name).

   -acct    Assign the quota specifications to name (a user, group, computer, or InetOrgPerson)
            This can be either a Distinguished Name or Domain\SAMAccountName

   -qlimit  Quota Limit - the number of objects within the directory partition that Name can own.
            To specify an unlimited quota, use -1.

   -desc    Description of the quota. 

   -s       Server to connect to (Default=the domain controller in the logon domain.)
-d Domain to connect to. -q Quiet, suppress all output. -uc Unicode format. -uco Unicode format for output only. -uci Unicode format for input only.


Add a quota of 500 objects for the Spain partition to user Fabrizio:

C:\> dsdd quota -acct Fabrizio -rdn FabQuota1 -part CN=spain,dc=ss64,dc=com" -qlimit 500

“If he is a man of honor in one thing, he is that in all things” ~ Raymond Chandler

Related commands

DSAdd - Add object.
DSMod - Modify object.
DSGet - Display object.
DSMove - Move object.
DSQuery - Search for objects.
DSRM - Delete object.

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