DSMOD Partition (installable option via RSAT /AD DS)

Modify a partition in active directory.

      DSMod partition PartitionDN 
         [-qdefault Value] [-qTmbstnWt Percent]
            [{-s Server | -d Domain}]   [-u UserName]  [-p {Password | *}]
               [-c] [-q] [{-uc | -uco | -uci}]

   PartitionDN  Distinguished name of the partition that you want to modify.
                If omitted will be taken from standard input (stdin).

  -qdefault Set the default Quota for PartitionDN to Value.
            This default can apply to any User, Group, Computer or InetOrgPerson)
            A value of -1 will specify an unlimited quota.
 -qTmbstnWt Tombstone Weight Percent (0-100) Reduce the effect of the Quota limit for tombstone (deleted) objects.
            A weight of 100 % will treat tombstone objects the same as normal objects.
            A weight of 50 % will allow twice as many tombstone objects.
            e.g. a limit of 500 with -qTmbstnWt 50 will allow 400 objects + 200 tombstone objects

   -s       Server to connect to (Default=the domain controller in the logon domain.)
   -d       Domain to connect to.

   -u       Username with which the user logs on to a remote server. 
   -p       Password     (UserName or Domain\UserName or Username@domain.com).

   -c       Continue with the next object after any error (when you specify multiple target objects)
            by default dsmod will exit when the first error occurs.

   -q       Quiet, suppress all output.

   -uc      Unicode format.
   -uco     Unicode format for output only.
   -uci     Unicode format for input only.


Change the default quota limit for a directory partition named FabQuota1 to a value of 1000:

C:\> dsmod partition FabQuota1 -qdefault 1000

"Let him that would move the world, first move himself” ~ Socrates

Related commands

DSAdd - Add object.
DSMod - Modify object.
DSMOD Quota - Modify a quota in active directory.
DSGet - Display object.
DSMove - Move object.
DSQuery - Search for objects.
DSRM - Delete object.
Equivalent bash commands (Linux): ldapmodify - Modify Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

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