Display Resultant Set of Policy information for a remote user and computer.

       gpresult [/s Computer [/u [Domain\]UserName [/p [Password]]]]
          [/user [TargetDomain\]TargetUser] [/scope {user | computer}]
             [/r | /v | /z] [[/x | /h] FileName [/f]]

   /s        The name or IP address of a remote computer. Do not use backslashes.
             (default = the local computer)

   /u [\]    Run the command with the credentials of the specified user.
             (default = the currently logged on user)

   /p []     The password of the user account that is provided in the /u parameter.
             If /p is omitted, gpresult prompts for the password.

   /user [\] The remote user whose RSoP data is to be displayed.

   /scope {user | computer}
             Displays RSoP data for either the user or the computer.
             If /scope is omitted, gpresult displays RSoP data for both the userand the computer.

   [/x | /h] Save the report in either XML (/x) or HTML (/h) format at the location and
             with the file name specified by the FileName parameter.
             Cannot be used with /u, /p, /r, /v, or /z.

   /f        Force gpresult to overwrite the file name specified in the /x or /h option.

   /r        Display RSoP summary data.

   /v        Display verbose policy information, including additional detailed settings that
             have been applied with a precedence of 1.

   /z        Display all available information about Group Policy, including detailed settings
             that have been applied with a precedence of 1 and higher.

   /?        Display help

The /f and /r options were introduced in Windows Vista/7/2008.


C:\> gpresult /z >C:\batch\policy.txt
C:\> gpresult /user targetusername /scope computer /r
C:\> gpresult /s srvmain /u ss64dom\hiropln /p p@ssW23 /user targetusername /scope user
C:\> gpresult /s srvmain /u ss64dom\hiropln /p p@ssW23 /user targetusername /z >policy.txt
C:\> gpresult /s srvmain /u ss64dom\hiropln /p p@ssW23

“The difference between false memories and true ones is the same as for jewels:
it is always the false ones that look the most real, the most brilliant” ~ Salvador Dalí

Related commands

GPUPDATE - Update Group Policy settings.
LGPO - Local Group Policy Object utility.
NTRIGHTS - Edit user account rights.

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