PsInfo.exe / PsInfo64.exe (SysInternals)

List information about a system including the type of installation, kernel build, registered organization, owner, processor details, physical memory and the system install date.

      PsINFO [\\computer[,computer[,..]] [options] [filter]

      PsINFO @file [options] [filter]


   computer   The computer(s) on which psinfo will list information. Default=local system 
   @file      List info for every computer listed in the text file specified.

   -c         Print in CSV format.
   -c -t d    Print in CSV format, separate items with delimiter d.

   -h         Show list of installed hotfixes.

   -s         Show list of installed applications.

   -d         Show disk volume information: drive letter, format, capacity.

   -p psswd   Specify a password for user (optional). Passed as clear text.
              If omitted, you will be prompted to enter a hidden password.

   -u user    Specify a user name for login to remote computer(optional).

   filter     Psinfo will only show data for the field matching the filter. 
               e.g. "psinfo service" lists only the service pack field.

   -accepteula Suppress the display of the license dialog.

PsInfo relies on remote Registry access to obtain its data, the remote system must be running the Remote Registry service and the account from which you run PsInfo must have access to the HKLM\System portion of the remote Registry.

In order to aid in automated Service Pack updates, PsInfo returns as a value the Service Pack number of system (e.g. 0 for no service pack, 1 for SP 1, etc).

When installing psifo.exe just ensure it is placed somewhere in either the system PATH or in the current directory.

When launched for the first time, PsInfo will prompt you to accept the EULA.
You can avoid this by writing the license registry key:

Set-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sysinternals' -Name 'EulaAccepted' -Value 1


List disc information about \\workstation64:

C:\> psinfo.exe \\workstation64 -d

List disc information for the local machine, filtering to show only the volume numbers:

C:\> psinfo.exe -d | find "%"

“If you hear that someone is speaking ill of you, instead of trying to defend yourself you should say: “He obviously does not know me very well, since there are so many other faults he could have mentioned” ~ Epictetus

Related commands

PsGetSid - Display the SID of a computer or a user
SYSTEMINFO - List system configuration
FSUTIL fsinfo - File and Volume specific commands
Equivalent bash command (Linux): cat /proc/*

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