WINGET upgrade

Upgrade the specified application. Optionally, you may use the list command to identify the application you want to upgrade.

      WINGET upgrade [[-q] \query] [\options] [-?]


   -q, --query  The query used to search for an app.
   -?, --help  Get additional help on this command.


   --accept-package-agreements  Accept the license agreement, and avoid the prompt.
   --accept-source-agreements   Accept all source license agreements and avoid the prompt.
   --all         Update all available packages to the latest application.

   -e, --exact   Use the exact string in the query, including checking for case-sensitivity.
                 It will not use the default behavior of a substring.
   --force       When a hash mismatch is discovered will ignore the error and attempt to install the package.
   -h, --silent  Runs the installer in silent mode. This suppresses all UI. The default experience shows installer progress.

   --header      Optional Windows-Package-Manager REST source HTTP header.
   -i, --interactive  Run the installer in interactive mode. The default experience shows installer progress.
   --id id            Limit the upgrade to the ID of the application.

   --include-unknown  Upgrade packages even if their current version cannot be determined.
   -l, --location    Location to upgrade to (if supported).
   -m, --manifest path_to_the_manifest (YAML) file.
                     Use the manifest to run the upgrade from a local YAML file.

   --name name       Limit the search to the name of the application.
   --moniker moniker Limit the search to the moniker listed for the application.

   -o, --log    Direct the logging to a log file. You must provide a path to a file that you have the write rights to.
   --override   A string that will be passed directly to the installer.
   -s, --source name  Restricts the search to the source name provided. name is required.

   -v, --version   Specify an exact version to upgrade.
                   If not specified, latest will upgrade the highest versioned application.
   --verbose-logs  Override the logging setting and create a verbose log.

The query argument is positional. Wild-card style syntax is not supported. This is most often the string of characters you expect to help find the package you are searching for.

If the search command includes no filters or options, it will display all available applications in the default source.
You can also search for all applications in another source if you pass in just the source option.

Use the list command to identify apps in need of an update, and then to use upgrade to install the latest.


Upgrade a specific version of an application:

C:\> WINGET upgrade powertoys --version 0.15.2

Upgrade an application from its ID:

C:\> WINGET upgrade --id Microsoft.PowerToys

This search uses "Visual Studio Code" as the query.

Upgrade all apps:

C:\> WINGET upgrade --all

Upgrade Windows Terminal:

C:\> WINGET  list terminal
 Name                       ID                                 Version
 Windows Terminal           Microsoft.WindowsTerminal          1.7.1033
 Windows Terminal Preview   Microsoft.WindowsTerminalPreview   1.6.104

 C:\> WINGET upgrade Microsoft.WindowsTerminalPreview

“plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose (The more things change, the more they are the same.)” ~ Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

Related commands

GitHub repository
WINGET - Discover, install, upgrade, remove and configure applications on Windows computers.
MSIEXEC - Microsoft Windows Installer.
WUAUCLT - Windows Update.

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