PL/SQL Packages UTL_PG

Oracle Procedural Gateway.

Convert COBOL numeric data into Oracle numbers and convert Oracle numbers into COBOL numeric data.

            Make a number_to_raw format conversion specification
            used to convert an Oracle number of declared precision
            and scale to a RAW byte-string in the remote host internal

            Make a raw_to_number format conversion specification used
            to convert a RAW byte-string from the remote host internal
            format into an Oracle number of comparable precision and scale.

            Convert an Oracle number of declared precision and scale to
            a RAW byte-string in the remote host internal format. 

            Convert, according to the number_to_raw conversion format
            n2rfmt, an Oracle number numval of declared precision and scale
            to a RAW byte-string in the remote host internal format. 

            Convert a RAW byte-string from the remote host internal format
            into an Oracle number. 

            Convert, according to the raw_to_number conversion format
            r2nfmt, a RAW byte-string rawval in the remote host internal
            format to an Oracle number. 

WMSG        Extract a warning message specified by wmsgitem from wmsgblk.

WMSGCNT     Test a wmsgblk to determine how many warnings, if any, are

For full documentation of the packaged procedures above see the Oracle Manual:
"Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference"

or the book Oracle Built in Packages by Steven Feuerstein et al

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