ForEach (method)

Loop through a collection (or a set of properties) and perform an operation (execute a block of statements) against each.

      collection.ForEach(scriptblock_expression, object[] arguments)
      collection.ForEach(type convertToType)
      collection.ForEach(string propertyName)
      collection.ForEach(string propertyName, object[] newValue)
      collection.ForEach(string methodName)
      collection.ForEach(string methodName, object[] arguments)

   collection   A collection of objects e.g. filenames, registry keys, servernames
   ScriptBlock  A block of script to run against each object.  

Available in PowerShell 4.0 and later, this method provides faster performance than a ForEach statement.


Find all the running notepad processes, convert to an @array and kill/stop them:

@(Get-Process –Name notepad).ForEach({ Stop-Process -InputObject $_; })

Loop through a collection stored in a variable:

Get a set of services with names starting R:

$services = Get-Service r*

Display the names and status of each service in the collection:


As we are passing a single script block argument this can be simplified to:


“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it” ~ Edith Wharton

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

$ForEach variable - Refers to the enumerator in a ForEach loop.
Break statement
Continue statement
ForEach statement.
ForEach-Object - Loop for each object in the pipeline (foreach)
For - Loop through items that match a condition.
IF - Conditionally perform a command.
Switch - Multiple if statements.
While - Loop while a condition is True.
ForEach and Where magic methods by Kirk Munro.

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