
Get the modules that have been imported or that can be imported into the current session.

      Get-Module [[-FullyQualifiedName] String[]] [[-Name] String[]]
         [-All] [CommonParameters]
      Get-Module [[-FullyQualifiedName] String[]] [[-Name] String[]]
         [-All] [-Refresh] -ListAvailable [CommonParameters]
      Get-Module [[-Name] String[]] [-CimNamespace ] [-CimResourceUri Uri]
         [-ListAvailable] [-Refresh] -CimSession  [CommonParameters]
      Get-Module [[-FullyQualifiedName] String[]] [[-Name] String[]]
         [-ListAvailable] [-Refresh] -PSSession  [CommonParameters]

       Gets all modules in each module folder, including nested modules, manifest (.psd1) files, script module 
       (.psm1) files, and binary module (.dll) files. Without the All parameter, Get-Module gets only the default 
       module in each module folder.

   -CimNamespace String
       Specifies the namespace of an alternate CIM provider that exposes CIM modules. The default value is the 
       namespace of the Module Discovery WMI provider.

       Use this parameter to get CIM modules from computers and devices that are not running a Windows Operating
       System. (PowerShell 3.0+)

   -CimResourceUri Uri
       Specifies an alternate location for CIM modules. The default value is the resource URI of the Module Discovery 
       WMI provider on the remote computer.

       Use this parameter to get CIM modules from computers and devices that are not running a Windows Operating
       System. (PowerShell 3.0+)

       Gets all installed modules. Get-Module gets modules in paths listed in the PSModulePath environment variable. 
       Without this parameter, Get-Module gets only the modules that are both listed in the PSModulePath environment 
       variable, and that are loaded in the current session. ListAvailable does not return information about modules 
       that are not found in the PSModulePath environment variable, even if those modules are loaded in the current 

   -FullyQualifiedName String[]
       Gets modules with names that are specified in the form of ModuleSpecification objects (described by the 
       Remarks section of ModuleSpecification Constructor (Hashtable) on MSDN).
       For example, the FullyQualifiedName parameter accepts a module name that is specified in the format
       @{ModuleName = "modulename"; ModuleVersion = "version_number"}
       or @{ModuleName = "modulename"; ModuleVersion = "version_number"; Guid = "GUID"}.
       ModuleName and ModuleVersion are required, but Guid is optional.

       You cannot specify the -FullyQualifiedName parameter in the same command as a Name parameter; the two 
       parameters are mutually exclusive.

   -Name String[]
       Gets only modules with the specified names or name patterns. Wildcards are permitted. You can also pipe the 
       names to Get-Module. You cannot specify the FullyQualifiedName parameter in the same command as a Name 
       parameter; the two parameters are mutually exclusive. The Name parameter cannot accept a module GUID as a 
       value; to return modules by specifying a GUID, use the FullyQualifiedName parameter instead of the Name 

   -CimSession CimSession
       Specifies a CIM session on the remote computer. Enter a variable that contains the CIM session or a command 
       that gets the CIM session, such as a Get-CimSession command.

       Get-Module uses the CIM session connection to get modules from the remote computer. When you import the module 
       (by using the Import-Module cmdlet) and use the commands from the imported module in the current session, the 
       commands actually run on the remote computer.

       You can use this parameter to get modules from computers and devices that are not running a Windows Operating
       System, and Windows computers that have Windows PowerShell, but do not have Windows PowerShell remoting 

       The CimSession parameter gets all modules in the CIMSession. However, you can import only CIM-based and Cmdlet 
       Definition XML (CDXML)-based modules.

   -PSSession PSSession
       Gets the modules in the specified user-managed Windows PowerShell session (PSSession). Enter a variable that 
       contains the session, a command that gets the session, such as a Get-PSSession command, or a command that 
       creates the session, such as a New-PSSession command.

       When the session is connected to a remote computer, the ListAvailable parameter is required.

       A Get-Module command with the PSSession parameter is equivalent to using the Invoke-Command cmdlet to run a 
       Get-Module -ListAvailable command in a PSSession. (PowerShell 3.0+)

       Refreshes the cache of installed commands. The command cache is created when the session starts. It enables 
       the Get-Command cmdlet to get commands from modules that are not imported into the session.

       This parameter is designed for development and testing scenarios in which the contents of modules have changed 
       since the session started.
       When the Refresh parameter is used in a command, the ListAvailable parameter is required. (PowerShell 3.0+)

Import-Module adds one or more modules to the current session. The modules that you import must be installed on the local computer or a remote computer.

Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, installed modules are automatically imported to the session when you use any commands or providers in the module. However, you can still use Import-Module to import a module and you can enable and disable automatic module importing by using the $PSModuleAutoloadingPreference preference variable.

To manage remote Windows computers that have PowerShell and PowerShell remoting enabled, create a PSSession on the remote computer and then use the -PSSession parameter of Get-Module to get the PowerShell modules in the PSSession. When you import the modules, and then use the imported commands in the current session, the commands run implicitly in the PSSession on the remote computer.

Standard Aliases for Get-Module: gmo


Get modules that have been imported into the current session:

PS C:\> Get-Module

Get the PSReadLine module and return the module version:

PS C:\> (Get-Module -Name PSReadLine).Version.ToString()

Get the modules that are installed on the computer and can be imported into the current session:

PS C:\> Get-Module -ListAvailable

Get all module files (imported and available) and groups them by module name. This lets you see the module files that each script is exporting:

PS C:\> Get-Module -ListAvailable -All | Format-Table -Property Name, Moduletype, Path -Groupby Name

for more examples see: get-help Get-Module -examples

“If you're functional, it doesn't matter if you're mad” ~ Alan Moore

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

Import-Module - Add a module to the session.
Install-Module - Download and install modules from an online repository.
New-Module - Create a new dynamic module (only in memory).
Remove-Module - Remove a module from the current session.

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