
Create or edit a Windows Shortcut

      ShortcutObject.property = "Your Value"

   objShell   A WScript.Shell object
   ShortcutObject  An existing shortcut object


Optional sections in the VBscript below are commented out:

   strLinkFile = "$env:Public\Desktop\MyShortcut.lnk"
   strTargetPath = "C:\demo\MyApp.exe"

   Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
   Set objLink = objShell.CreateShortcut(strLinkFile)
   objLink.TargetPath = $strTargetPath
   '  objLink.Arguments = ""
   '  objLink.Description = "MyProgram"
   '  objLink.HotKey = "ALT+CTRL+F"
   '  objLink.IconLocation = "%SystemRoot%\SystemResources\shell32.dll.mun, 94"
   '  objLink.WindowStyle = "1"
   '  objLink.WorkingDirectory = "C:\Program Files\MyApp"
Set objLink = Nothing

Run the VB script like this:

CSCRIPT C:\batch\makeshortcut.vbs

Internet Shortcuts
Unlike file/folder shortcuts, Internet Explorer/Edge Favourite (.URL) files are simple text files which you can create with a couple of ECHO statements:

Echo [InternetShortcut] > demo.url
Echo URL=https://ss64.com/ >> demo.url

“Our life is frittered away by detail... simplify, simplify” ~ Henry David Thoreau

Related VBScript commands

Arguments, display - WshArguments.Item
Function New-Shortcut - Function to create shortcut, with help and error handling.
Q263324 - Shortcut command truncates path names if the target does not currently exist.
PowerShell: New-Shortcut
Equivalent Windows CMD command: SHORTCUT - Create a windows shortcut (.LNK file)

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