
Move or Resize a Window.

      DoCmd.MoveSize(Right, Down, Width, Height)

   Right  The new horizontal position of the window’s upper-left corner,
          measured from the left edge of its containing window.

   Down   The new vertical position of the window’s upper-left corner,
          measured from the top edge of its containing window.

   Width  The window’s new width.

   Height The window’s new height.

The units for the arguments are twips (twentieth of a point).

You must include at least one argument for the MoveSize method. If you leave an argument blank, the current setting for the window is used.


'Change the height of the current form to approximately 2 cm
DoCmd.MoveSize , , , 2500

'Change the width of the current form to approximately 16 cm
DoCmd.MoveSize , , 10000

“I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size” ~ Barry Goldwater


Minimize - Minimise a window
Restore - Restore a maximized or minimized window.
Me.Detail.Height = 2500 - Change the height of a forms detail section

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