
Retrieve data from one or more tables or queries.

      SELECT [DISTINCTROW] [predicate] { * | table.* | [table.]field1 [AS alias1]
         [, [table.]field2 [AS alias2] [, …]]}
            FROM tableexpression [, …] [IN externaldatabase]
              [WHERE… ] [GROUP BY… ] [HAVING… ]

   predicate       Restrict the number of records returned.
                   One of: ALL, DISTINCT, DISTINCTROW, or TOP. 

    *              Return all fields from the table(s).

   table           The name of the table containing this field.

   field1, field2  The fields containing the data to be retrieved.
                   If more than one field is listed, they are
                   retrieved in the order listed.

   alias1, alias2  Names to use as column headers instead of
                   the original column names in table.

   tableexpression  The table or tables containing the data to retrieve.

   externaldatabase The database containing the tables in tableexpression 
                    if they are not in the current database.

SELECT statements will not change data in the database.

The clauses (SELECT … FROM … WHERE … HAVING … ORDER BY … ) must be in this order.

SELECT Choose the columns to return.
FROM  The data table(s) to search. Selecting multiple tables may greatly increase the search space and slow down the query.
WHERE  Filter the data rows returned.
GROUP BY aggregate data.
HAVING  Filter out aggregated data that doesn’t meet a given criteria.
UNION  Merge the selected data into a result set.
ORDER BY  Sort the results.

Use an asterisk (*) to select all fields in a table: SELECT * FROM T_Employees;

If a field name is included in more than one table in the FROM clause, precede it with table. name.


If the ProductID is in both T_Products and T_Sales:

SELECT T_Products.ProductID, T_Sales.qty
FROM T_Products INNER JOIN T_Sales
WHERE T_Products.ProductID = T_Sales.ProductID;

To return a different field name (and field object name), use the AS reserved word:

SELECT T_Products.ProductName As PartName
FROM T_Products

The As clause should also be used with aggregate functions (Sum, Count etc ) or any other queries that would return ambiguous or duplicate Field object names:

SELECT Count(ProductID) AS ProductCount
FROM T_Sales;

“We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes” ~ Leona Helmsley


Delete - Delete records.
DCount - Count the number of records in a table/query.
Execute (SQL/VBA) - Execute a procedure or run SQL.
Insert - Add records to a table (append query).
Max (SQL) - Return the maximum value from a query.
Select Into - Make-table query.
Select-Subquery - SubQuery
Transform - Create a crosstab query.
Union - Combine the results of two SQL queries.
Update - Update existing field values in a table.

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