Dec Hex Alt Esc Ascii Character Dec Hex Ascii Character Dec Hex Ascii Character Dec Hex Ascii Character
0 0x00   Ctrl-@ NUL (Null) 32 0x20 [Space] 64 0x40 @ 96 0x60 `
1 0x01 Ctrl-A SOH 33 0x21 ! 65 0x41 A 97 0x61 a
2 0x02 Ctrl-B STX 34 0x22 " 66 0x42 B 98 0x62 b
3 0x03 Ctrl-C ETX 35 0x23 # 67 0x43 C 99 0x63 c
4 0x04 Ctrl-D EOT 36 0x24 $ 68 0x44 D 100 0x64 d
5 0x05 Ctrl-E ENQ 37 0x25 % 69 0x45 E 101 0x65 e
6 0x06 Ctrl-F ACK 38 0x26 & 70 0x46 F 102 0x66 f
7 0x07 Ctrl-G BEL 39 0x27 ' 71 0x47 G 103 0x67 g
8 0x08 Ctrl-H BS Backspace 40 0x28 ( 72 0x48 H 104 0x68 h
9 0x09 Ctrl-I TAB \t 41 0x29 ) 73 0x49 I 105 0x69 i
10 0x0A Ctrl-J LF Line Feed \n 42 0x2A * 74 0x4A J 106 0x6A j
11 0x0B Ctrl-K VT 43 0x2B + 75 0x4B K 107 0x6B k
12 0x0C Ctrl-L FF Form Feed 44 0x2C , 76 0x4C L 108 0x6C l
13 0x0D Ctrl-M CR Carriage Return \r 45 0x2D - 77 0x4D M 109 0x6D m
14 0x0E Ctrl-N SO 46 0x2E . 78 0x4E N 110 0x6E n
15 0x0F Ctrl-O SI 47 0x2F / 79 0x4F O 111 0x6F o
16 0x10 Ctrl-P DLE 48 0x30 0 80 0x50 P 112 0x70 p
17 0x11 Ctrl-Q DC1 49 0x31 1 81 0x51 Q 113 0x71 q
18 0x12 Ctrl-R DC2 50 0x32 2 82 0x52 R 114 0x72 r
19 0x13 Ctrl-S DC3 51 0x33 3 83 0x53 S 115 0x73 s
20 0x14 Ctrl-T DC4 52 0x34 4 84 0x54 T 116 0x74 t
21 0x15 § Ctrl-U NAK 53 0x35 5 85 0x55 U 117 0x75 u
22 0x16 Ctrl-V SYN 54 0x36 6 86 0x56 V 118 0x76 v
23 0x17 Ctrl-W ETB 55 0x37 7 87 0x57 W 119 0x77 w
24 0x18 Ctrl-X CAN 56 0x38 8 88 0x58 X 120 0x78 x
25 0x19 Ctrl-Y EM 57 0x39 9 89 0x59 Y 121 0x79 y
26 0x1A Ctrl-Z SUB (EOF) 58 0x3A : 90 0x5A Z 122 0x7A z
27 0x1B Ctrl-[ ESC (Escape) 59 0x3B ; 91 0x5B [ 123 0x7B {
28 0x1C Ctrl-/ FS 60 0x3C < 92 0x5C \ 124 0x7C |
29 0x1D Ctrl-] GS 61 0x3D = 93 0x5D ] 125 0x7D }
30 0x1E Ctrl-^ RS 62 0x3E > 94 0x5E ^ 126 0x7E ~
31 0x1F Ctrl-_ US 63 0x3F ? 95 0x5F _ 127 0x7F DEL

ASCII is a character encoding standard used to store characters and basic punctuation as numeric values.
ASCII codes from 0 - 127 are identical to Unicode. Adding 32 (or flipping the sixth bit) will convert an upper case letter to lower case.

Windows CR+LF Line Ending is Chr(13) followed by Chr(10) — in PowerShell `r`n.
Linux and MacOS LF Line Ending is Chr(10) — very early versions of Mac OSX did use CR/Chr(13)


Some Extended ASCII codes from 128 - 256 are no longer in use because the original code pages varied by country/locale.
Below are the modern Unicode equivalents for the most common (Code Page 1252/ANSI) characters:

Dec Hex Unicode Character Dec Hex Unicode Character
8220 0x201C 169 0x00A9 ©
8221 0x201D 174 0x00AE ®
8216 0x2018 176 0x00B0 ° (degree sign)
8217 0x2019 177 0x00B1 ±
8222 0x201E 178 0x00B2 ² (squared)
8218 0x201A 179 0x00B3 ³ (cubed)
171 0x00AB « 180 0x00B4 ´ (acute)
187 0x00BB » 181 0x00B5 µ
8249 0x2039 182 0x00B6
8250 0x203A 188 0x00BC ¼
161 0x00A1 ¡ 189 0x00BD ½
33 0x0021 ! 190 0x00BE ¾
191 0x00BF ¿ 198 0x00C6 Æ
63 0x003F ? 230 0x00E6 æ
401 0x0191 Ƒ 215 0x00D7 × (multiplication)
8226 0x2022 • (bullet) 247 0x00F7 ÷ (division)
8211 0x2013 – (en dash) 9617 0x2591
8212 0x2014 – (em dash) 9618 0x2592
732 0x02DC ˜ (small tilde) 9619 0x2593
8482 0x2122 9474 0x2502
353 0x0161 š 9515 0x252B
339 0x0153 œ 9472 0x2500
255 0x00FF ÿ 9484 0x250C
382 0x017E ž 9488 0x2510
162 0x00A2 ¢ 9496 0x2518
163 0x00A3 £ 9492 0x2514
8364 0x20AC 960 0x03C0 π
164 0x00A4 ¤ (currency sign) 8730 0x221A
165 0x00A5 ¥ (Yen) 8721 0x2211 ∑(N-Sum)
166 0x00A6 ¦ 8734 0x221E
167 ox00A7 § (Section Sign) 8801 0x2261 ≡ (identical)

The Control key clears the top 3 binary bits of whatever character you type, mapping the bottom five bits to the 0..31 range.
So, for example, Ctrl-SPACE, Ctrl-@, and Ctrl-` all mean the same thing: NUL.

Entering Character codes

In Windows, hold down the ALT key, and type the code:
e.g. press ALT + on the numeric keypad 9+3, then release ALT to produce a ']' which is ASCII code 93.
or press ALT + on the numeric keypad 1, then release ALT to get ASCII code 1 which displays as (actually Unicode U+263A).

In xterm you can send key combinations using the hex value, so to send Esc: \x1B

The control codes from 1 to 31 are not normally visible, so on Windows when entered using an ALT+No., they will be auto-replaced with the Alt characters shown in the first table above.

Control codes can be also entered using an Esc or Ctrl key combination, e.g. Ctrl+H will backspace over the last character typed. These keys work under most operating systems, but under Windows Ctrl+M will enter or exit 'Mark Mode' rather than produce the expected CR/Carriage Return. You may notice that these Ctrl Key shortcuts match the 3rd column of ASCII codes in the table.

“Why shouldn’t we give our teachers a license to obtain software, all software, any software, for nothing? Does anyone demand a licensing fee, each time a child is taught the alphabet?” ~ William Gibson


Convert between Binary, Decimal, Hex and Base 36.
ANSI Colours
GenChr.cmd - Generate an ASCII/Unicode character.
Virtual-Key Codes -
man ascii - Produce an ascii table on most Unix systems.

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