
Create a FIFO, character special file, or block special file with the specified name.

      mknod [options]... NAME Type [Major Minor]


   -m MODE
            Set the mode of created files to MODE, which is symbolic as in
            'chmod' and uses 0666 minus the bits set in the umask as the point of departure.

   Type     The type of file to make:
              'p'     for a FIFO
              'b'     for a block special file
              'c'     for a character special file

Major/Minor When making a block or character special file, the major and minor 
            device numbers must be given after the file type.

Unlike the phrase "special file type" above, the term "special file" has a technical meaning on Unix: something that can generate or receive data. Usually this corresponds to a physical piece of hardware, e.g., a printer or a disk. (These files are typically created at system-configuration time.)

The 'mknod' command is what creates files of this type. Such devices can be read either a character at a time or a "block" (many characters) at a time, hence we say there are "block special" files and "character special" files.

“I played the organ when I went to military school, when I was 10. They had a huge organ, the second-largest pipe organ in New York State. I loved all the buttons and the gadgets. I've always been a gadget man” ~ Stephen Sondheim

Related Linux commands

mkfifo - Make FIFOs (named pipes).
sed - Stream Editor.

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