
Unpack shell archive scripts. Each file is processed in turn, as a shell archive or a collection of shell archives. If no files are given, then standard input is processed instead.

      unshar [options] ... [file... ]


       Change directory to DIRECTORY before unpacking any files.

       Passed as an option to the shar file.  Many shell archive scripts
       (including those produced by 'shar' 3.40 and newer) accepts a '-c'
       argument to indicate that existing files should be overwritten.

       The option '-f' is provided for a more unique interface. Many programs
       (such as 'cp' and 'mv') use this option to trigger the  very same action.

       This option exists mainly for people who collect many shell archives
       into a single mail folder.  With this option, 'unshar' isolates each
       different shell archive from the others which have been put in the
       same file, unpacking each in turn, from the beginning of the file
       towards its end.  Its proper operation relies on the fact that
       many shar files are terminated by a 'exit 0' at the beginning of a line.

       Option '-e' is internally equivalent to '-E "exit 0"'.

       This option works like '-e', but it allows you to specify the string that
       separates archives if 'exit 0' isn’t appropriate.
       For example, noticing that most '.signatures' have a '--' on a line right
       before them, one can sometimes use '--split-at=--' for splitting shell
       archives which lack the 'exit 0' line at end.  The signature will then be
       skipped altogether with the headers of the following message.

       Print the version number of the program on standard output, then
       immediately exits.

       Print a help summary on standard output, then immediately exits.

“I've never had a humble opinion in my life. If you're going to have one, why bother to be humble about it” ~ Joan Baez

Related Linux commands

bzip2 - Compress or decompress named file(s).
cksum - Print CRC checksum and byte counts.
pr - Convert text files for printing.
tar - Store, list or extract files in an archive.
unrar - Extract files from rar archives.
uudecode - Decode a file created by uuencode.
Equivalent Windows commands: EXTRACT, UNZIP

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