
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool. DISM enumerates, installs, uninstalls, configures, and updates features and packages in Windows images. The commands that are available depend on the image being serviced and whether the image is offline or running (online).

      DISM.exe [dism_options] {Imaging_command} [Imaging_arguments]

      DISM.exe {/Image:path_to_offline_image | /Online} [dism_options]
         {servicing_command} [servicing_arguments]

Generic Imaging options:

   /Apply-Image           - Apply an image.
   /Split-Image           - Split an existing .wim file into multiple 
                            read-only split WIM (SWM) files.
   /Get-ImageInfo         - Display information about images in a WIM, a VHD or a FFU file.
   /Get-MountedImageInfo  - Display information about mounted WIM and VHD images.
   /Commit-Image          - Save changes to a mounted WIM or VHD image.
   /Mount-Image           - Mount an image from a WIM or VHD file.
   /Unmount-Image         - Unmounts a mounted WIM or VHD image.
   /Remount-Image         - Recover an orphaned image mount directory.
   /Cleanup-Mountpoints   - Delete resources associated with corrupted mounted images.

Image Specifications:

   /Online                - Target the running Operating System.
   /Image                 - Specify the path to the root directory of an offline Windows image.

WIM options:

   /Apply-CustomDataImage - Dehydrate files contained in the custom data image.
   /Capture-CustomImage   - Capture customizations into a delta WIM file on a WIMBoot system.
                            Captured directories include all subfolders and data.
   /Get-WIMBootEntry      - Display WIMBoot configuration entries for the specified disk volume.
   /Update-WIMBootEntry   - Update WIMBoot configuration entry for the specified disk volume.
   /Append-Image          - Add another image to a WIM file.
   /List-Image            - Display a list of the files and folders in a specified image.
   /Export-Image          - Export a copy of the specified image to another file.
   /Delete-Image          - Delete a volume image from a WIM file that has multiple volume images.
   /Capture-Image         - Capture an image of a drive into a new WIM file.
                            Captured directories include all subfolders and  data.
   /Get-MountedWimInfo    - Display information about mounted WIM images.
   /Get-WimInfo           - Display information about images in a WIM file.
   /Commit-Wim            - Save changes to a mounted WIM image.
   /Mount-Wim             - Mount an image from a WIM file.
   /Unmount-Wim           - Unmount a mounted WIM image.
   /Remount-Wim           - Recover an orphaned WIM mount directory.
   /Cleanup-Wim           - Delete resources associated with mounted WIM images that are corrupt.

Full Flash Update (FFU) options:

   /Apply-Ffu             - Apply an .ffu image.
   /Capture-Ffu           - Capture a physical disk image into a new FFU file.
   /Optimize-FFU          - Optimize an FFU image to be faster to deploy, and more easily deployed to differently-sized disks.
   /Split-Ffu             - Split an existing .ffu file into multiple read-only split FFU files.

DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) options:

   /English               - Display command line output in English.
   /Format                - Specify the report output format.
   /LogPath               - Specify the logfile path.
   /LogLevel              - Specify the output level shown in the log (1-4).
   /NoRestart             - Suppress automatic reboots and reboot prompts.
   /Quiet                 - Suppress all output except for error messages.
   /ScratchDir            - Specify the path to a scratch directory.
   /SysDriveDir           - Specify the path to the system-loader file named  BootMgr.
   /WinDir                - Specify the path to the Windows directory.

The following commands may be used to service the image:


   /Set-OSUninstallWindow  - Set the OS Uninstall Window.
   /Get-OSUninstallWindow  - Get the OS Uninstall Window.
   /Remove-OSUninstall     - Remove the OS Uninstall.
   /Initiate-OSUninstall   - Initiate the OS Uninstall


   /Optimize-Image         - Configure an offline image.
   /Apply-SiloedPackage    - Apply one or more siloed provisioning packages (SPPs) to a specified image.
   /Set-ProductKey         - Set the product key of the offline image.
   /Get-TargetEditions     - Display a list of Windows editions that an image 
                             can be upgraded to.
   /Get-CurrentEdition     - Display the edition of the current image.
   /Set-Edition            - Upgrade an image to a higher edition.


   /Remove-DefaultAppAssociations - Remove the default application associations
                                    from a Windows image.
   /Import-DefaultAppAssociations - Import a set of default application 
                                    associations to a Windows image.
   /Get-DefaultAppAssociations    - Display the list of default application 
                                    associations from a Windows image.
   /Export-DefaultAppAssociations - Export the default application associations
                                    from a running Operating System.

      e.g. Dism /Online /Export-DefaultAppAssociations:C:\demo\AppAssoc.xml


   /Get-ProvisioningPackageInfo - Get information about a provisioning package.
   /Add-ProvisioningPackage     - Add a provisioning package.


   /Get-NonRemovableAppPolicy - List the package families configured 
                                to be nonremovable by enterprise policy.
   /Set-NonRemovableAppPolicy - Set the enterprise nonremovable policy for 
                                a given package family. 
   /Optimize-ProvisionedAppxPackages - Optimize provisioned appx footprint by 
                                       hard-linking identical files across appx packages.
   /Set-ProvisionedAppxDataFile - Place custom data into the specified app 
                                  package (.appx or .appxbundle). The specified  
                                  application package must already be in the image.
   /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage - Remove app packages (.appx or .appxbundle)
                                    from the image. App packages will not be installed 
                                    when new user accounts are created.
   /Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage  - Add app packages (.appx or .appxbundle) to the
                                  image and set them to install for each new user.
   /Get-ProvisionedAppxPackages - Display information about app packages 
                                  (.appx or .appxbundle) in an image that are 
                                  set to install for each new user.


   /Apply-Unattend     - Apply an unattend file to an image.


   /Remove-Driver      - Remove driver packages from an offline image.
   /Add-Driver         - Adds driver packages to an offline image.
   /Get-DriverInfo     - Display information about a specific driver
                         in an offline image or a running Operating System.
   /Get-Drivers        - Display information about all drivers in
                         an offline image or a running Operating System.
   /Export-Driver      - Export all third-party driver packages from an
                         offline image or a running Operating System.


   /Set-LayeredDriver  - Set the keyboard layered driver.
   /Set-UILang         - Set the default system UI language that is used
                         in the mounted offline image.
   /Set-UILangFallback - Set the fallback default language for the system 
                         UI in the mounted offline image.
   /Set-UserLocale     - Set the user locale in the mounted offline image.
   /Set-SysLocale      - Set the language for non-Unicode programs (also
                         called system locale) and font settings in the 
                         mounted offline image.
   /Set-InputLocale    - Set the input locales and keyboard layouts to 
                         use in the mounted offline image.
   /Set-TimeZone       - Set the default time zone in the mounted offline
   /Set-AllIntl        - Set all international settings in the mounted
                         offline image.
   /Set-SKUIntlDefaults - Set all international settings to the default
                          values for the specified SKU language in the
                          mounted offline image.
   /Gen-LangIni        - Generate a new lang.ini file.
   /Set-SetupUILang    - Define the default language that will be used
                         by setup.
   /Get-Intl           - Display information about the international 
                         settings and languages.


   /Check-AppPatch     - Display information if the MSP patches are 
                         applicable to the mounted image.
   /Get-AppPatchInfo   - Display information about installed MSP patches.
   /Get-AppPatches     - Display information about all applied MSP patches
                         for all installed applications.
   /Get-AppInfo        - Display information about a specific installed MSI
   /Get-Apps           - Display information about all installed MSI


   /Add-Package        - Add packages to the image.
   /Remove-Package     - Remove a package from the image.
   /Enable-Feature     - Enable a specific feature in the image.
   /Disable-Feature    - Disable a specific feature in the image.
   /Get-Packages       - Display information about all packages in the image.
   /Get-PackageInfo    - Display information about a specific package.
   /Get-Features       - Display information about all features in a package.
   /Get-FeatureInfo    - Display information about a specific feature.
   /Cleanup-Image      - Performs cleanup and recovery operations on the image.
   /Export-Source      - Export a set of capabilities into a new repository.
   /Add-Capability     - Add one or more capabilities to an image.
   /Remove-Capability  - Remove a capability from one image.
   /Get-Capabilities   - Get capabilities in the image.
   /Get-CapabilityInfo - Get information of a capability in the image.

For more information about these servicing commands and their arguments,
specify a command immediately before /?.

         DISM.exe /Online /Get-Capabilities

         DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Apply-Unattend /?
         DISM.exe /Online /Get-Drivers /?
         DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /?
         Install one of the RSAT tools:
         DISM.exe /Online /add-capability /CapabilityName:Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools~~~~
   Apply an image to a specified drive:
   /Apply-Image /ImageFile:path_to_image_file /ApplyDir:target_directory [/ApplyDrive DeviceID]
      {/Index:image_index | /Name:image_name} [/CheckIntegrity] [/Verify] 
         [/NoRpFix] [/SWMFile:pattern] [/ConfirmTrustedFile] [/WIMBoot] [/Compact] [/EA]

     /CheckIntegrity  - Stop the operation if WIM file corruption is detected.
     /Verify          - Check for errors and file duplication. 
     /NoRpFix         - Disable the reparse point tag fix. 
     /SWMFile         - Reference split WIM files (SWMs).
                        pattern is the naming  pattern and location of split files. 
     /ConfirmTrustedFile - Validate the image for Trusted Desktop on Windows 10, 8.1, or 8.
                        When using /Apply-Image with the /ConfirmTrustedFile option in WinPE, always
                        specify the /ScratchDir option pointed to a physical media location.
                        This ensures that short file names will always be available.
                        Use /EA to apply extended attributes.
     /WIMBoot         - Apply the image with WIMBoot configuration. 
     /Compact         - Apply the image in compact mode. 
     /EA              - Apply extended attributes.
     /ApplyDrive      - The logical drive, using the DeviceID.
                        To get the device ID from the command line, type "wmic diskdrive list brief".
                        A VHD may appear with the name “PhysicalDrive” in the description, e.g. .\PhysicalDrive2

     /SFUFile         - Reference split FFU files (SFUs).
                        pattern is the naming  pattern and location of split files. 

      DISM.exe /Apply-Image /ImageFile:install.wim /Index:1 /ApplyDir:D:\ 

      DISM.exe /Apply-Image /ImageFile:install.swm /SWMFile:install*.swm 
        /ApplyDir:D:\ /Index:1 

   Split an existing .wim file into multiple read-only split WIM files:
   /Split-Image /ImageFile:path_to_image_file /SWMFile:path_to_swm
        /FileSize:MB-Size [/CheckIntegrity] 

     /FileSize       - Maximum size in megabytes (MB) for each created file. 
                       If a single file is larger than the value specified, one of the split .swm files that
                       results will be larger than the value specified, in order to accommodate the large file.

     /CheckIntegrity - Detect and track WIM file corruption when used with capture, unmount, export, and
                       commit operations. /CheckIntegrity stops the operation if DISM detects that the .wim file
                       is corrupted when used with apply and mount operations.. 

      DISM.exe /Split-Image /ImageFile:install.wim /SWMFile:split.swm /FileSize:650 

   Display information about the images that the specified WIM or VHD file contains:
   /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:image_file [/Index:image_index | /Name:image_name] 

      DISM.exe /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:C:\test\images\ss64.wim 
      DISM.exe /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:C:\test\images\ss64.vhd /Index:1 
      DISM.exe /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:C:\test\images\ss64.ffu 

   Display information about mounted images, including whether the image 
   is ready for servicing, needs a remount, or is an invalid image:

      DISM.exe /Get-MountedImageInfo 

   Apply changes to the mounted image:
   The image remains mounted until the /Unmount-Image option is used. 
   /Commit-Image /MountDir:target_mount_directory [/Append] [/CheckIntegrity] 
     /Append         - Add the image to an existing .wim file. 
     /CheckIntegrity - Detect and track WIM file corruption. 

      DISM.exe /Commit-Image /MountDir:C:\test\offline 

   Mount the image to the specified directory so that it is available for servicing:
   /Mount-Image /ImageFile:path_to_image_file 
      {/Index:image_index | /Name:image_name} /MountDir:target_mount_directory 
         [/ReadOnly] [/Optimize] [/CheckIntegrity] 
     /Optimize       - Reduce initial mount time. 
     /CheckIntegrity - Stop the operation if WIM file corruption is detected.
     /ReadOnly       - Set the mounted image to have read-only permissions. 

      DISM.exe /Mount-Image /ImageFile:C:\test\images\myimage.wim /Index:1 

      DISM.exe /Mount-Image /ImageFile:C:\test\images\myimage.vhd /Index:1 
        /MountDir:C:\test\offline /ReadOnly 

   Unmount the WIM or VHD. Use /Commit to save the changes or /Discard to discard:
   /Unmount-Image /MountDir:target_mount_directory
      {/Discard | /Commit [/Append] [/CheckIntegrity]}
     /CheckIntegrity  - Detect and track WIM file corruption. 
     /Append          - Add the image to an existing .wim file. 

      DISM.exe /Unmount-Image /MountDir:C:\test\offline /Commit 
      DISM.exe /Unmount-Image /MountDir:C:\test\offline /Discard 

   Recover an orphaned image mount directory:
   /Remount-Image /MountDir:target_mount_directory 

      DISM.exe /Remount-Image /MountDir:C:\test\offline 

   Delete resources associated with a corrupted mounted image:

   This command does not unmount a mounted image. It also does not delete 
   images that can be recovered by using the /Remount-Image command. 

      DISM.exe /Cleanup-Mountpoints 

   The path to the root directory of the offline Windows image:

    This option must be used with a servicing command. 

      DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Packages

   Dehydrate files contained in the custom data image to save space:
   /Apply-CustomDataImage /SingleInstance /CustomDataImage:packge_path /ImagePath:image_Path

      DISM.exe /Apply-CustomDataImage /CustomDataImage:C:\oem.ppkg /ImagePath:C:\ /SingleInstance 

   Capture image customizations into a new WIM file on a WIMBoot system:
   /Capture-CustomImage /CaptureDir:source_directory [/ConfigFile:wimscript.ini]
      [/CheckIntegrity] [/Verify] [/ConfirmTrustedFile] 

     /ConfigFile         - Location of a configuration file to list exclusions for image capture and compress commands. 
     /CheckIntegrity     - Detect and track WIM file corruption. 
     /Verify             - Check for errors and file duplication. 
     /ConfirmTrustedFile - Validate the image for Trusted Desktop. Supported platforms. 

     Captured directories include all subfolders and data. You cannot capture an empty directory.
     Note: this command only captures the customization files.
     It cannot be used to capture the installation files into a new WIM.

      DISM.exe /Capture-CustomImage /CaptureDir:D:\ 

   Display WIMBoot configuration entries for the specified disk volume
    This only applies to Windows 8.1; this feature isn’t supported in Windows 10:
   /Get-WIMBootEntry /Path:volume_path

   Update WIMBoot configuration entry, associated with the specified 
   data source ID, with the renamed or moved image file path:
   /Update-WIMBootEntry /Path:volume_path /DataSourceID:data_source_id 

     /Path         - The disk volume of the WIMBoot configuration. 
     /DataSourceID - The data source ID as displayed by Get-WIMBootEntry. 

      DISM.exe /Update-WIMBootEntry /Path:C:\ /DataSourceID:0 

   Add another image to a WIM file:
   /Append-Image /ImageFile:path_to_image_file /CaptureDir:source_directory 
      /Name:Name [/Description:Description] [/ConfigFile:wimscript.ini] 
         {[/Bootable] | [/WIMBoot]} [/CheckIntegrity] [/Verify] [/NoRpFix] [/EA]

     /ConfigFile     - Location of a configuration file that lists 
                       exclusions for image capture and compress commands. 
     /Bootable       - Mark a Windows PE volume image as able to be booted. 
     /WIMBoot        - Append a WIMBoot configured image to a WIM file. 
     /CheckIntegrity - Detect and track WIM file corruption. 
     /Verify         - Check for errors and file duplication. 
     /NoRpFix        - Disable the reparse point tag fix. 
     /EA             - Capture Extended Attributes. 

      DISM.exe /Append-Image /ImageFile:install.wim /CaptureDir:D:\ /Name:Drive-D

   Display a list of the files and folders within a specified image:
   /List-Image /ImageFile:path_to_image_file  {/Index:image_index | /Name:image_name} 

      DISM.exe /List-Image /ImageFile:install.wim /Index:1 

   Export a copy of the specified image to another file:
   /Export-Image {/SourceImageFile:path_to_image_file | [/SWMFile:pattern]}
      {/SourceIndex:image_index | /SourceName:image_name} 
         /DestinationImageFile:path_to_image_file [/DestinationName:Name] 
            {[/Compress:{fast|max|none|recovery}] [/Bootable] | [/WIMBoot]} [/CheckIntegrity] 

    The source and destination files must use the same compression type.

     /SWMFile       - Reference split WIM files (SWMs).
                      pattern is the naming pattern and location of split files. 
     /Compress      - The capture compression used when exporting an image to a new WIM file. 
     /Bootable      - Mark a Windows PE volume image as able to be booted. 
     /WIMBoot       - Export an image that can be applied with WIMBoot configuration. 
     /CheckIntegrity - Detect and track WIM file corruption. 

      DISM.exe /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:install.wim /SourceIndex:1 

   Delete a volume image from a WIM file that has multiple volume images. 
   /Delete-Image /ImageFile:path_to_image_file 
      {/Index:image_index | /Name:image_name} [/CheckIntegrity] 

     /CheckIntegrity - Detect and track .wim file corruption when used with capture, unmount, export,
                       and commit operations. /CheckIntegrity will stop the operation if DISM detects
                       that the .wim file is corrupted when used with apply and mount operations.

      DISM.exe /Delete-Image /ImageFile:install.wim /Index:1 

   Capture an image of a drive to a new WIM file:
   /Capture-Image /ImageFile:path_to_image_file /CaptureDir:source_directory 
      /Name:Name [/Description:Description] [/ConfigFile:wimscript.ini] 
         {[/Compress:{fast|max|none}] [/Bootable] | [/WIMBoot]}
            [/CheckIntegrity] [/Verify] [/NoRpFix] [/EA]

  Captured directories include all subfolders and data. You cannot capture an empty directory.

     /ConfigFile - A config file listing exclusions for image capture and compress commands. 
     /Compress   - The type of compression used for the initial capture operation. 
     /Bootable   - Mark a Windows PE volume image as able to be booted. 
     /WIMBoot    - Capture the image that can be applied with WIMBoot configuration. 
     /CheckIntegrity - Detect and track WIM file corruption. 
     /Verify     - Check for errors and file duplication. 
     /NoRpFix    - Disable the reparse point tag fix. 
     /EA         - Capture extended attributes. 

      DISM.exe /Capture-Image /ImageFile:install.wim /CaptureDir:D:\ 

   Display information about mounted images:

  Includes whether the image is ready for servicing, needs a remount, or is an invalid image. 

      DISM.exe /Get-MountedWimInfo 

   Display information about the images contained in the specified WIM file:
   /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:WIM_file [/Index:image_index | /Name:image_name] 

      DISM.exe /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:C:\test\images\myimage.wim 

      DISM.exe /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:C:\test\images\myimage.wim /Index:1 

   Apply changes to the mounted image:
   /Commit-Wim /MountDir:target_mount_directory [/EA]

   The image remains mounted until /Unmount-Wim is used.
     /EA - Save extended attributes. 

      DISM.exe /Commit-Wim /MountDir:C:\test\offline 

   Mount the WIM file to the specified directory so that it is available for servicing. 
   /Mount-Wim /WimFile:path_to_WIM_file 
      {/Index:image_index | /Name:image_name} 
         /MountDir:target_mount_directory [/ReadOnly] [/EA]

     /ReadOnly   - Set the mounted image to have read-only permissions. 
     /EA         - Mount with extended attributes. 

      DISM.exe /Mount-Wim /WimFile:C:\test\images\myimage.wim /index:1 

      DISM.exe /Mount-Wim /WimFile:C:\test\images\myimage.wim /index:1 
        /MountDir:C:\test\offline /ReadOnly 

   Unmount the WIM file:
   /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:target_mount_directory {/Commit | /Discard} [/EA]

     /Commit  - Save the changes
     /Discard - Discard the changes. 
     /EA      - Save extended attributes. 

      DISM.exe /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:C:\test\offline /commit 

      DISM.exe /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:C:\test\offline /discard 

   Recover an orphaned WIM mount directory:
   /Remount-Wim /MountDir:target_mount_directory 

      DISM.exe /Remount-Wim /MountDir:C:\test\offline 

   Delete resources associated with a corrupted mounted image:

   This command does not unmount a mounted image; it also does not delete 
   images that can be recovered by using the /Remount-WIM command. 

      DISM.exe /Cleanup-Wim 

   Apply an .ffu image to a specified physical drive:
   /Apply-Ffu /ImageFile:path_to_image_file /ApplyDrive:physical_drive_path 

  Use /SFUFile to reference split FFU files (SFUs). pattern is the naming 
  pattern and location of split files. 

      DISM.exe /Apply-Ffu /ImageFile:flash.ffu 

   Capture a physical disk image to a new FFU file:
   /Capture-Ffu /ImageFile:path_to_image_file /CaptureDrive:physical_drive_path 
     /Name:Name [/Description:Description] [/PlatformIds:platform_ids] 

     /PlatformIds  - One or more platform ids (separate with semicolon) to be add
                     to the image. If not specified, platform id will be '*'.

     /Compress     - The type of compression used for the initial capture operation. 

      DISM.exe /Capture-Ffu /ImageFile:install.ffu 
        /CaptureDrive:\\.\PhysicalDrive0 /Name:Drive0 

    Optimize an FFU image to be faster to deploy, and more easily deployed to differently-sized disks.
   /Optimize-FFU /ImageFile:path-to-ffu-file [/PartitionNumber:PartitionNumber]

     /ImageFile     - Path to the FFU you want to optimize.
     /PartitionNumber - By default /Optimize-FFU optimizes the OS partition.
                        This option allows you to specify the partition that you want to optimize.

    This command should be the last command run against an image before the image is applied to a device,
    and can reduce time on the factory floor when building devices for build-to-stock scenarios.

     DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Optimize-Image {/Boot | /WimBoot}

     /Boot  Tries to reduce the online configuration time that the OS spends during boot.
            This optimization may be rendered invalid if any servicing operations are performed on the image
            after optimizing it.  DISM /Optimize-Image /boot is available in the following Operating Systems: Windows 11,
            Windows 10, version 1607,Windows 10, version 1809 and later, Windows Server 2012 R2 later

            Use /Boot to try and reduce the online configuration time that the OS spends during boot.
            Note that this optimization may be rendered invalid if any servicing operations are performed
            on the image after optimizing it.
     /WimBoot is for configuring an offline image for installing on a WIMBoot system.

    Examples: DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Optimize-Image /Boot
              DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Optimize-Image /WimBoot

    Applies one or more siloed provisioning packages (SPPs) to a specified image.
      This option is only available after running CopyDandI.cmd from the ADK, Version 1607 or later, and running
      dism.exe /Apply-SiloedPackage from the target folder created by CopyDandI.cmd.

      /Apply-SiloedPackage can only be run once against a Windows image, but /PackagePath can used more than once
      in the same command to apply multiple SPPs. SPPs will be applied in the specified order, so a dependency should
      be specified before the SPP that depends on it. see Siloed provisioning packages.

      /Apply-SiloedPackage /PackagePath:package_path /ImagePath:applied_image_path

      /PackagePath - Specifies the path of a siloed provisioning package file.
      /ImagePath - Specifies the path of the Windows image where you are applying the SPP.
      DISM.exe /apply-SiloedPackage /PackagePath:C:\test\Word.spp /PackagePath:C:\test\spp2.spp /ImagePath:C:\

    Split an existing .ffu file into multiple read-only split FFU files. 
   /Split-Ffu /ImageFile:path_to_image_file /SFUFile:path_to_sfu
      /FileSize:MB-Size [/CheckIntegrity] 

     /FileSize - The maximum size in megabytes (MB) for each created file. 
                 If a single file is larger than the value specified in the /FileSize option, one of the
                 split .swm files that results will be larger than the value specified in the /FileSize option,
                 in order to accommodate the large file.

                 Detect and track .wim file corruption when used with capture, unmount, export, and commit operations.
                 /CheckIntegrity stops the operation if DISM detects that the .wim file is corrupted when used
                 with apply and mount operations.

     /ImageFile  Specifies the path of a .FFU file, example: flash.ffu.
     /SFUFile    References split FFU files (SFUs). Pattern is the naming pattern and location of split files.

      DISM.exe /Split-Ffu /ImageFile:flash.ffu /SFUFile:flash.sfu /FileSize:650

   Display command line output in English:

     DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Format:Table /English /Get-Packages
     DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /English /Get-DriverInfo /Driver:oem0.inf

   Specify the output format of a report:

   The option has no effect when used with a command that does not generate reports, or
   a command that does not support this option.  The accepted values for output_format are:
      Table = Display the report in a table.
      List = Display the report in a list of name/value pairs.

     DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Format:Table /Get-Packages
     DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Format:List /Get-Features
     DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Format:Table /Get-Drivers
     DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Format:List /Get-Apps
     DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Format:Table /Get-AppPatches

   Specify the path to the DISM logfile:

   If not specified, the default is %windir%\Logs\DISM\dism.log.

      DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /logpath:C:\LogFiles\dism.log 

   Specify the maximum output level shown in logs:

   The accepted values for n:
    1 = Errors only
    2 = Errors and warnings
    3 = Errors, warnings, and information
    4 = All the above and debug output

  If not specified, n defaults to 3 (maximum logging).

      DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /loglevel:1 

   Suppress restart prompting:

      DISM.exe /Online /norestart

   A temporary directory to be used for extracting files for servicing:

   The directory must exist, If not set, the Windows Profile temporary directory will be used.

      DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /scratchdir:D:\Scratch

   Specify the path to the directory of the bootmgr file:
   /Image:path_to_offline_image [/SysDriveDir:path_to_bootmgr]

   If not specified, it defaults to the offline image path.
   This option cannot be used with the /Online option.

      DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /SysDriveDir:C:\

   Specify the path to the Windows directory relative to the image path:
   /Image:path_to_offline_image [/WinDir:Windows_directory]

   If not specified, it defaults to "Windows".
   This option cannot be used with the /Online option.

      DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /WinDir:Win

DISM commands are used on offline images, but subsets of the DISM commands are also available for servicing a running Operating System.

The DISM PowerShell cmdlets are largely identical to the command-line tool, but DISM.exe does include some additional functionality to support servicing commands for international settings.

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for” ~ Epicurus (Greek philosopher)

Related commands

PowerShell DISM cmdlets
Get-WindowsCapability - Get capabilities for an image or a running OS.
Add-WindowsCapability - Install a Windows capability package on the specified OS image.
Docs.microsoft.com - DISM Command-Line Options.
Get-Windows-Key - Retrieve the Windows product key.

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