DSMOD Group (installable option via RSAT /AD DS)

Modify a group in active directory.

      DSMOD Group GroupDN [-secgrp {yes | no}] [-scope {l | g | u}] [-samid SAMName]
         [-desc Description]  [{-addmbr | -rmmbr | -chmbr} MemberDN ...]
            [{-s Server | -d Domain}] [-u UserName] [-p {Password | *}]
               [-q] [{-uc | -uco | -uci}]

   Group_DN  Distinguished name of the group that you want to add.
             If omitted will be taken from standard input (stdin).

   -secgrp   A security group (yes) or a distribution group (no) default=Yes.

   -scope    Domain local (l), global (g), or universal (u)   default=g

   SAMName   Unique SAM account name for this group.
             By default, the dn attribute from the GroupDN.

   -addmbr   Add members to the group.
|  -rmmbr    Remove members from the group.
   -chmbr    Replace members in the group.

   -s Server Connect to a remote server/domain, default=%logonserver% domain controller.

   -c        Continue with the next object after any error (when you specify multiple target objects)
             by default dsmod will exit when the first error occurs.

   -q        Quiet, suppress all output.

   -uc       Unicode format.
   -uco      Unicode format for output only.
   -uci      Unicode format for input only.


Add all members of the Finance group to the Sales group:

C:\> set _finance="CN=Finance Dept,OU=Europe,DC=ss64,DC=com"
C:\> set _sales="CN=Sales Dept,OU=Europe,DC=ss64,DC=com"
C:\> dsget group %_finance% -members | dsmod group %_sales% -addmbr

Add all users from the Europe organizational unit (OU) to the existing group AfricaMarket:

C:\> set _europe="OU=Europe,DC=ss64,DC=com"
C:\> set _AfricaMkt ="CN=AfricaMarket,OU=Africa,DC=ss64,DC=Com"
C:\> dsquery user %_europe% | dsmod group %_AfricaMkt% -addmbr

Add the user Fred to all administrator distribution list groups:

C:\> set _dls="OU=Distribution Lists,DC=ss64,DC=com"
C:\> set _fred="cn=fred,ou=staff,dc=ss64,dc=com"
C:\> dsquery group %_dls% -name adm* | dsmod group -addmbr %_fred%

Add the user Fred to the finance group:

C:\> dsmod group %_finance% -addmbr %_fred%

"When people show you who they are, believe them” ~ Maya Angelou

Related commands

DSAdd - Add object. DSAdd Group - Add a group to AD.
DSMod - Modify object.
DSGet - Display object. DSGet group - Display group(s) from active directory.
DSMove - Move object.
DSQuery - Search for objects.
DSRM - Delete object.
How-to: AD Groups - Local Domain groups, Global and Universal groups.
PowerShell: Set-adGroup - Modify an AD group.
Equivalent bash commands (Linux): groupmod - Modify Group.

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