NTRIGHTS.exe (2003 Resource Kit)

Edit user account privileges.

       NTRIGHTS +r Right -u UserOrGroup [-m \\Computer] [-e Entry]

       NTRIGHTS -r Right -u UserOrGroup [-m \\Computer] [-e Entry]


   +/-r Right        Grant or revoke one of the rights listed below.

     -u UserOrGroup  Who the rights are to be granted or revoked to.
                     This is the pre-windows 2000 logon name (Max 20 characters)

     -m \\Computer   The computer (machine) on which to perform the operation.
                     The default is the local computer. 

     -e Entry        Add a text string 'Entry' to the computer’s event log.

This utility does work under all recent versions of Windows, although (like all Resource Kit tools) it is unsupported.

Below are the Privileges that can be granted or revoked, all are Case-Sensitive.

Logon Rights:

 Log on as a batch job            SeBatchLogonRight
 Deny logon as a batch job    SeDenyBatchLogonRight
 Log on locally                   SeInteractiveLogonRight
 Deny local logon             SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight
 Logon as a service               SeServiceLogonRight
 Deny logon as a service      SeDenyServiceLogonRight
 Access this Computer from the Network         SeNetworkLogonRight
 Deny Access to this computer via network  SeDenyNetworkLogonRight
 Allow logon through RDP/Terminal Services     SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight
 Deny logon through RDP/Terminal Services  SeDenyRemoteInteractiveLogonRight

System Admin Privileges:

 Generate security audits         SeAuditPrivilege
 Manage auditing and security log SeSecurityPrivilege
 Backup files and directories     SeBackupPrivilege
 Create symbolic links            SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege
 Add workstations to the domain   SeMachineAccountPrivilege
 Shut down the system             SeShutdownPrivilege
 Force shutdown from a remote system  SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege
 Create a pagefile                SeCreatePagefilePrivilege
 Increase quotas                  SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege
 Restore files and directories    SeRestorePrivilege  
 Change the system time           SeSystemTimePrivilege
 Change the time zone             SeTimeZonePrivilege
 Take ownership of files/objects  SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege
 Enable computer/user accounts
   to be trusted for delegation       SeEnableDelegationPrivilege
 Remove computer from docking station SeUndockPrivilege

Service Privileges:

 Create permanent shared objects  SeCreatePermanentPrivilege
 Create a token object            SeCreateTokenPrivilege
 Replace a process-level token    SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege
 Impersonate a client after authentication  SeImpersonatePrivilege
 Increase scheduling priority     SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege
 Act as part of the Operating System   SeTcbPrivilege
 Profile a single process         SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege
 Load and unload device drivers   SeLoadDriverPrivilege
 Lock pages in memory             SeLockMemoryPrivilege
 Create global objects            SeCreateGlobalPrivilege

Misc Privileges:

 Debug programs                   SeDebugPrivilege
 Bypass traverse checking         SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
 Increase a process working set   SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege
 Modify an object label           SeRelabelPrivilege
 Obtain an impersonation token for another user in the same session:
 Sync directory service data      SeSyncAgentPrivilege
 Edit firmware environment values SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege
 Access Credential Manager as a trusted caller
 Perform volume maintenance tasks SeManageVolumePrivilege
 Profile system performance       SeSystemProfilePrivilege
 Obsolete and unused              SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege (has no effect)

The Se_Deny… rights will override the corresponding account rights. An Se_Deny… right will also override any logon rights that an account may inherit as a result of its group membership(s).

To run NTRIGHTS you need to be an administrator.
To change privileges remotely (-m option) you need to have administrator rights on the machine being changed.

It is often helpful to grant the privileges to a named group, e.g. grant SeServiceLogonRight to a group called ServiceAccounts, then add individual user accounts to that group.
The group policy editor can be used to view these privileges in a GUI.

On a Windows 2008 Server (or Vista), allowing logon through Terminal Services (SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight) requires an extra step: Control Panel ➞ System ➞ 'Remote Settings' ➞ 'Select Users' button, and then add users/groups.


Allow all members of the local 'Users' group to logon locally:

ntrights -u Users +r SeInteractiveLogonRight

Allow members of the domain group 'Admin-RDP' to logon remotely via RDP to "server64", also log this security change in the event log:

ntrights -u ss64Dom\Admin-RDP +r SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight -m \\server64 -e "Added RDP rights for Admin-RDP"

Allow the domain user 'Ashley' the right to run a batch (Scheduled Task) on Server64:

ntrights -u ss64Dom\Ashley +r SeBatchLogonRight -m \\server64

Allow all members of the domain group 'Admin-Local' to shutdown this computer:

ntrights -u ss64Dom\Admin-Local +r SeShutdownPrivilege

Allow the domain user 'JDoe' to shutdown the machine 'Server64' :

ntrights -u ss64Dom\JDoe +r SeShutdownPrivilege -m \\Server64

Allow any Interactive user of the local machine the right to change the system time:

ntrights -u INTERACTIVE +r SeSystemtimePrivilege

Specifically deny local logon rights to Henry:

ntrights -u Henry +r SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight

“What distinguishes the majority of men from the few is their inability to act according to their beliefs” ~ Henry Miller

Related commands

UserRights.psm1 - PowerShell module to grant, revoke, and query user rights (privileges).
CACLS - Change file permissions.
Q315276 - Set Logon User Rights by Using the NTRights.
Logon Types - Windows Logon types.
docs.microsoft.com - User Rights and Privileges.

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