Set the Terminal Server (TS/RDS) profile path for a user.
Copy Remote Desktop Services user configuration information from one user to another.
The TSPROF command is only available when the RDS/Terminal Server role service has been installed on a Windows Server computer.

      TSPROF /update {/domain:Domainname | /local} /profile:path username

      TSPROF /copy {/domain:Domainname | /local} [/profile:path] src_user dest_user

      TSPROF /q {/domain:Domainname | /local} username

   /update  Update the profile path information for username in domain domainname to profilepath.

   /domain  Specify the name of the domain in which the operation is applied.

   /local   Apply the operation only to local user accounts.

   /profile Specify the profile path as displayed in the Remote Desktop Services extensions in
            Local Users and Groups and active directory Users and computers.

  username 	The name of the user for whom you want to update or query the server profile path.

   /copy    Copy user configuration information from src_user to dest_user and update the profile
            path information for dest_user to profilepath.
            Both src_user and dest_user must either be local or must be in domain domainname.

 src_user   The name of the user from whom you want to copy the user configuration information.
            Also known as the source user.

 dest_user  The name of the user to whom you want to copy the user configuration information.
            Also known as the destination user.

   /q       Display the current profile path of the user for whom you want to query the server profile path.

   /?       Display help.

By default, Remote Desktop Services will store all user profiles locally on the RD Session Host server. You can specify a network share where user profiles can be centrally stored, allowing a user to access the same profile for sessions on all RD Session Host servers that are configured to use the network share for user profiles.

The Terminal Services profile path can also be set using PowerShell: example script. When not set it will default to the standard User Profile path.


Set the Remote Desktop Services profile path for user64 to a network folder:

C:\> tsprof.exe /update /domain:ss64dom /Profile:\\Server64\TSprofiles\user64 user64

Set the Remote Desktop Services profile path for LocalUser64 to a directory called c:\profiles:

C:\> tsprof /update /local /profile:c:\profiles LocalUser64

Copy user configuration information from LocalUser1 to LocalUser2 :

C:\> tsprof /copy /local LocalUser1 LocalUser2

“Certain stereotypes are being broken: that only people with a certain profile can be actresses or be on the cover of magazines.” ~ Yalitza Aparicio

Related commands

MSTSC - Terminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol).
TSDISCON - Disconnect a Remote Desktop Session.
PowerShell: Get-ADUser - Get the user details including TS profile path.

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