Discover, install, upgrade, remove and configure applications on Windows computers.

      WINGET exe [command] [options]


   WINGET export [-o] output [options]     Export a JSON file of apps to a specified file.

   WINGET hash [--file] \file [\options]   Generate a SHA256 hash for the installer.

   WINGET [--help] [/?]      Display help for all the supported commands and sub commands.
                             Pass the --help argument to any other WINGET command to get
                             details about all additional command options.

   WINGET import [-i] import-file [options]    Import a JSON file of apps to install.

   WINGET install [[-q] \query] [\options] [-?]  Install an application.

   WINGET list [[-q] \query] [\options]      Display a list of installed applications.

   WINGET features  Display a list of experimental features.

   WINGET search [[-q] \query] [\options]    Search/Show all applications available for installation.

   WINGET settings        Configure WinGet by editing the settings.json file.
                          Running WINGET settings will open the file in your default json editor;
                          List of settings you can configure, appearance, telemetry etc.

   WINGET show [[-q] \query] [\options]      Display details for the specified application.

   WINGET source \sub-command \options       Add, remove, or update the Windows Package Manager repositories accessed by WINGET.

   WINGET uninstall [[-q] \query] [\options]  Uninstall the specified application

   WINGET upgrade [[-q] \query] [\options]    Upgrade the specified application.

   WINGET validate [--manifest] \path    Validate a manifest file for submission to the Windows Package Manager repository.


   -v, --version   Return the current version of winget.
       --info      Detailed information including links to the license and privacy statement.
   -?, --help      Get additional help on winget.

Winget is bundled with Windows 11 by default.
For Windows 10 it is available as App Installer on the WIndows Store. Requires Windows 10 1709 (build 16299) or later.

When scripted, winget will launch the applications in the specified order. When an installer returns success or failure, winget will launch the next installer. If an installer launches another process, it is possible that it will return to winget prematurely. This will cause winget to install the next installer before the previous installer has completed.

This tool is the client interface to the Windows Package Manager service.


Search for software:

C:\> winget.exe search powertoys

Install software:

C:\> winget install Microsoft.PowerToys

“The process of assessing how you feel about the things you own, identifying those that have fulfilled their purpose, expressing your gratitude, and bidding them farewell, is really about examining your inner self, a rite of passage to a new life” ~ Marie Kondo

Related commands

GitHub repository
WINGET - Discover, install, upgrade, remove and configure applications on Windows computers.
MSIEXEC - Microsoft Windows Installer.
WUAUCLT - Windows Update.
Equivalent PowerShell: Install-Package - Install one or more software packages.

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