Initiate ommunication with external TCP/IP-based servers using TCP/IP (Internet protocol).


          A PL/SQL record type used to represent a TCP/IP connection. 

CRLF      The character sequence carriage-return line-feed. 
          It is the newline sequence commonly used many communication standards. 

open_connection Function 
          Open a TCP/IP connection to a specified service. 

available Function 
          Determine the number of bytes available for reading from a TCP/IP connection. 

read_raw Function 
          Receive binary data from a service on an open connection. 

write_raw Function 
          Transmit a binary message to a service on an open connection. 

read_text Function 
          Receive text data from a service on an open connection. 

write_text Function 
          Transmit a text message to a service on an open connection. 

read_line Function 
          Receive a text line from a service on an open connection.  

write_line Function 
          Transmit a text line to a service on an open connection.  

get_raw(), get_text(), get_line() Functions 
          Convenient forms of the read functions, which return
          the data read instead of the amount of data read. 

flush     Transmit all data in the output buffer, if a buffer is used,
          to the server immediately. 

          Close an open TCP/IP connection. 

          Close all open TCP/IP connections. 

For full documentation of the packaged procedures above see the Oracle Manual:
"Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference"

or the book Oracle Built in Packages by Steven Feuerstein et al

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