
Cancel print jobs that have been queued for printing.

      lprm [ -E ] [ - ] [ -P destination ] [ job ID(s) ]

  -P   The destination printer or class.

  -    You can specify one or more job ID numbers to cancel
       those jobs, or use the - option to cancel all jobs.
  -E   Force encryption when connecting to the server.

If no arguments are supplied, the current job on the default destination is cancelled.

“Because I could not stop for Death - He kindly stopped for me
The carriage held but just ourselves - And Immortality...” ~ Emily Dickinson

Related macOS commands

enable - Stop or start printers and classes.
lpc - Line printer control program.
lpr - Print files.
lpstat - Printer status information.
cancel - Cancel print jobs.
lp - print files.
lpstat - printer status information.

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