
Quick Look Server debug and management tool.

      qlmanage -r

      qlmanage -m [name ...]

      qlmanage -t [-d debugLevel] [-x] [-i] [-s size] [-f factor] [-c contentTypeUTI [-g generator]] [file ...]

      qlmanage -p [-d debugLevel] [-x] [-c contentTypeUTI [-g generator]] [file ...]

      qlmanage -h

   -r   Reset the Quick Look Server and all Quick Look client’s generator cache.

   -m   Get all sorts of information on Quick Look server including the list of detected generators.

   -t   Display the Quick Look generated thumbnails (if available) for the specified files.
        This will open the image in a separate window.

   -p   Display the Quick Look generated previews for the specified file(s).
        This will open the image in a separate window.

   -h   Help.

qlmanage allows you to test your Quick Look generators and manage Quick Look Server.


Preview an image:

$ qlmanage -p catmeme.png

“Sometimes not seeing things can be a blessing” ~ August Strindberg

Related macOS commands

Reset QuickLook generators and disk cache to resolve issues with IconServicesAgent

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