
Save formatting data from the current session to a file.

      Export-FormatData [-Force] [-IncludeScriptBlock] [-InputObject ExtendedTypeDefinition[]]
         [-NoClobber] [-Path string] [CommonParameters] 

       Overwrite an existing output file, even if the file has the read-only attribute.

       Include script blocks in the format data exported.
       Because script blocks contain code and can be used maliciously, they are not exported by default.

   -InputObject ExtendedTypeDefinition[]
       The format data objects to be exported.
       Enter a variable that contains the objects or a command that gets the objects,
       such as a Get-FormatData command.
       Objects can also be piped from Get-FormatData to Export-FormatData.

       Prevent the cmdlet from overwriting existing files.
       By default, Export-FormatData overwrites files without warning unless
       the file has the read-only attribute.

       To overwrite read-only files, use -Force.

   -Path string
       A location for the output file.
       Enter a path (optional) and filename with a format.ps1xml file extension.
       The default path is the current directory.

       Export-FormatData will overwrite any existing file without warning unless
       the file has the read-only attribute.

       To overwrite read-only files, use -Force.
       To prevent files from being overwritten, use -NoClobber.


Export all of the format data in the session to the SS64.format.ps1xml file:

PS C:> Get-FormatData -typename * |
Export-FormatData -path SS64.format.ps1xml -IncludeScriptBlock

Export the format data for the HelpInfoShort type to the Help.format.ps1xml file:

PS C:> $fdat = Get-FormatData -typename helpinfoshort
PS C:> Export-FormatData -inputObject $fdat -path E:\help.format.ps1xml -IncludeScriptBlock

“Successful people are successful because they form the habits of doing those things that failures don’t like to do” ~ Albert Gray

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

Get-FormatData - Get the formatting data in the current session.

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