
Rename an computer. PowerShell 3.0+

      Rename-Computer [-NewName] String [-ComputerName String] [-Confirm] [-DomainCredential PSCredential]
         [-Force] [-LocalCredential PSCredential] [-PassThru] [-Protocol {DCOM | WSMan}] [-Restart] [-WhatIf]
            [-WsmanAuthentication {Default | Basic | Negotiate | CredSSP | Digest | Kerberos}] [CommonParameters]

   -ComputerName String
       Rename the specified remote computer. The default is the local computer.
       Type the NetBIOS name, an IP address, or a fully qualified domain name of a remote computer.
       To specify the local computer, type the computer name, a dot (.), or localhost.
       This parameter does not rely on PowerShell remoting. You can use the -ComputerName parameter of 
       Rename-Computer even if your computer is not configured to run remote commands.
       Prompt for confirmation before running the cmdlet.
   -DomainCredential PSCredential
       Specify a user account that has permission to connect to the domain.
       Explicit credentials are required to rename a computer that is joined to a domain.

       Type a user name, such as User64 or Domain64\User64, or enter a PSCredential object, such as one generated by 
       the Get-Credential cmdlet. If you type a user name, this cmdlet prompts you for a password.

       To specify a user account that has permission to connect to the computer that is specified by the ComputerName 
       parameter, use the LocalCredential parameter.

       Force the command to run without asking for user confirmation.

   -LocalCredential PSCredential
       Specifies a user account that has permission to connect to the computer specified by the ComputerName 
       parameter. The default is the current user.

       Type a user name, such as User64 or Domain64\User64, or enter a PSCredential object, such as one generated by 
       the Get-Credential cmdlet. If you type a user name, this cmdlet prompts you for a password.

       To specify a user account that has permission to connect to the domain, use the DomainCredential parameter.

   -NewName String
       Specify a new name for the computer. This parameter is required. The name cannot include control characters, 
       leading or trailing spaces, or any of the following characters: / \\ [ ].

       Return the results of the command. Otherwise, this cmdlet does not generate any output.

   -Protocol String
       Specifies which protocol to use to rename the computer. The acceptable values for this parameter are: WSMan 
       and DCOM. The default value is DCOM.

       Restart the computer that was renamed. A restart is often required to make the change effective.

       Show what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.

   -WsmanAuthentication String
       The mechanism that is used to authenticate the user credentials when this cmdlet uses the WSMan protocol.
       The acceptable values for this parameter are:

       - Basic
       - CredSSP
       - Default
       - Digest
       - Kerberos
       - Negotiate
       The default value is Default.

Standard Aliases for Rename-Computer: none

Rename-Computer renames the local computer or a remote computer. It renames one computer in each command.


Rename the local computer and then restart it:

PS C:\> Rename-Computer -NewName "Server064" -DomainCredential ss64dom\Admin64 -Restart

Rename a remote computer, note that both local and domain credentials are required:

PS C:\> Rename-Computer -ComputerName "Srv01" -NewName "Server066" -LocalCredential Srv01\Admin01 -DomainCredential ss64dom\Admin64 -Force -PassThru -Restart

Rename multiple computers:

PS C:\> $ServerList = Import-Csv ServerNames.csv -Header OldName, NewName
PS C:\> Foreach ( $Server in $ServerList ) {Rename-Computer -ComputerName $Server.OldName -NewName $Server.NewName -DomainCredential ss64dom\Admin64 -Force -Restart}

Rename the computer after first disconnecting from Azure:

PS C:\> DSREGCMD /leave
PS C:\> Rename-computer -Newname "workstation64"

“Everything is impossible until it is done” ~ Robert H. Goddard (on possible future travel to the moon), 1921

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

Remove-Computer - Remove the local computer from a workgroup or domain.
Restore-Computer - Restore the computer to a previous state.

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