How-to: Rename a file with the date [StampMe.ps1]

Rename a file or a folder by appending the current date and time to the existing file or folder name:

param( [string] $fileName)

# Check the file exists
if (-not(Test-Path $fileName)) {break}

# Display the original name
"Original filename: $fileName"

$fileObj = Get-Item $fileName

# Get the date
$DateStamp = Get-Date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d@%H-%M-%S"

$extOnly = $fileObj.extension

if ($extOnly.length -eq 0) {
   $nameOnly = $fileObj.Name
   Rename-Item "$fileObj" "$nameOnly-$DateStamp"
else {
   $nameOnly = $fileObj.Name.Replace( $fileObj.Extension,'')
   Rename-Item "$fileName" "$nameOnly-$DateStamp$extOnly"

# Display the new name
"New filename: $nameOnly-$DateStamp$extOnly"

For instructions of how to download and run this script see: Run a PowerShell script.

For a one line version of this see the Rename-Item page.

An alternative is to rename a file based on the file’s Last Modified Date/Time rather then the current date:

PS C:\> $file = 'C:\demo\test.txt'
PS C:\> Get-Item $file | Rename-Item -path $file -newname {$_.BaseName + $_.LastWriteTime.toString('_yyyy_MM_dd_hhmmss_tt') + $_.Extension}

This can also be done using the .CreationTime property.

Renaming a file on a traditional hard disk does not change the file’s Last Modified Date/Time, but this may not hold true for files synced with cloud storage or OneDrive.


Assuming stampme.ps1 is saved in the current directory:

PS C:\>./stampme.ps1 "F:\work\some file.txt"

  > F:\work\some file-2024-11-30@09-30-00.txt

Rename a collection of .txt files:

ForEach ($file in get-ChildItem *.txt) { ./stampme.ps1 $ }

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference” ~ Robert Frost

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

Rename-Item - Change the name of an existing item.
Touch - Change the date/time of a file/folder.
Set-LastWrite - Reset Folder 'Last Modified' to the most recent file in the folder (PowerShell function).
set-eol - Change the line endings of a text file.
Standard date and time notation - YYYY-MM-DD
StampMe.cmd - Rename a file (CMD script).

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