Run a T-SQL statement, procedure or script at the command prompt. (SQL 2016/Azure).

      sqlcmd options

   -a packet_size  
   -A  (dedicated administrator connection)  
   -b  (terminate batch job if there is an error)  
   -c batch_terminator
   -C  (trust the server certificate)  
   -d db_name
   -e  (echo input)  
   -E  (use trusted connection)  
   -fcodepage | i:codepage[,o:codepage] | o:codepage[,i:codepage]  
   -g (enable column encryption)
   -G (use Azure Active Directory for authentication)
   -h rows_per_header
   -H workstation_name
   -i input_file
   -I  (enable quoted identifiers)
   -j (Print raw error messages)
   -k[1 | 2] (remove or replace control characters)  
   -K application_intent
   -l login_timeout
   -L[c]  (list servers, optional clean output)  
   -m error_level
   -M multisubnet_failover
   -N  (encrypt connection)  
   -o output_file
   -p[1] (print statistics, optional colon format)  
   -P password
   -q "cmdline query"
   -Q "cmdline query" (and exit)  
   -r[0 | 1] (msgs to stderr)  
   -R (use client regional settings)  
   -s col_separator
   -S [protocol:]server[\instance_name][,port]  
   -t query_timeout
   -u  (unicode output file)  
   -U login_id
   -v var = "value"
   -V error_severity_level
   -w column_width
   -W  (remove trailing spaces)  
   -x  (disable variable substitution)  
   -X[1] (disable commands, startup script, environment variables and optional exit)  
   -y variable_length_type_display_width
   -Y fixed_length_type_display_width
   -z new_password
   -Z new_password (and exit)
   -?  (usage)

Best Practice

Add quotes around any fields containing strings that are likely to need them, and also escape any existing quotes within the data:

SELECT [Field1],
'"' + REPLACE([Field2], '"', '""') + '"' AS Field2, -- Enclose in quotes and escape existing quotes
FROM [YourTable]


Run the script DemoScript.sql using integrated security:

C:\> sqlcmd -S Server64\instance2 -i C:\demo\DemoScript.sql

Run the script DemoScript.sql and output to a file:

C:\> sqlcmd -S Server64\instance2 -i C:\demo\DemoScript.sql -o C:\demo\output.txt

"When debugging, novices insert corrective code; experts remove defective code” ~ Richard Pattis

Related commands

Invoke-Sqlcmd - Run an SQL script (PowerShell/SQLCMD)

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