Convert Units

Convert between Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB and KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB

Bytes KiB MiB GiB TiB  

Edit any of the boxes above and click 'Convert'.

Computer storage disks and RAM are manufactured in binary units (power of 2) Bytes, KiB, MiB, GiB…
The binary prefix convention (IEC 60027-2) allows common numbers such as 2048 bytes to display as round numbers, so 2 KiB
When byte sizes are informally stated with a single size indicator like 500M or 16G you should assume they refer to a power of 2 unit.

Power of 10 numbers are also calculated above (KB, MB, GB…) these are used by Apple and some hard drive manufacturers.

Many documents still incorrectly use the old-style : KB,MB,GB… prefixes to refer to a power of 2 value.
The 'B' character for Bytes is case sensitive and easily confused with 'b' for bits: 1 Kb=1000 bits or 125 Bytes (1 Byte = 8 bits)
Bytes are used to measure disc/file sizes. bits are used to measure network or download speeds.

Convert between Binary, Decimal, Hex and Base 36

Decimal: Binary: Hex: Base 36

Typical throughputs:
Hard disk = 30 MiB per second. (x8 = 240 Mb/Sec)
Gigabit Ethernet = 125 MiB per second. (x8 = 1,000 Mb/Sec)
Solid State Disc (SATA) = 250 MiB per second. (x8 = 2,000 Mb/Sec)
Solid State Disc (NVMe PCIe 4.0) = 2 GiB per lane per second. (x8 = 16 Gb/Sec)
Fibre Channel = 2,550 MiB per second. (x8 = 20,400 Mb/Sec)

“Kilted Men Given Testosterone Perform Exceedingly Zealous Yoga - Mnemonic for Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa, Zeta, Yotta” ~ David Wu


CERTUTIL - Convert to Base64.
Base 36 - Convert in PowerShell.
Hex to ASCII Text Converter - RapidTables.

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