
Add one or more PowerShell snap-ins to the current console.

      Add-PSSnapin [-name] string[] [-passThru] [CommonParameters]

   -name string[]
       Name of each PSSnapIn to add to the current console
       e.g. Microsoft.Exchange or MyCompany.User. 

       Pass the object created by this cmdlet through the pipeline.

Changing the available cmdlets and providers by adding or removing snap-ins will only affect the current console.

After a snap-ins has been added, you can use the cmdlets and providers that the snap-in supports in the current session. To add the snap-in to all future PowerShell sessions, add an Add-PSSnapin command to your PowerShell profile.

Beginning in PowerShell 2.0 Modules were introduced and they almost entirely replace Snap-Ins.
Snap-Ins are still available and fully supported. Snap-Ins have to be installed, modules can be copied (like a script) and then made available with Import-Module

Beginning in PowerShell 3.0, the core PowerShell cmdlets are packaged in modules. The exception is Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, which is a snap-in (PSSnapin). By default, only the Microsoft.PowerShell.Core snap-in is added to the session. Modules are imported automatically on first use or you can use Import-Module to import them.

Standard Aliases for Add-PSSnapin: None (asnp removed from PowerShell 7).


Add the Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft AD Directory Services snap-ins to the current console:

PS C:> Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange,Microsoft.Windows.AD

Add all the registered Windows PowerShell snap-ins to the console:

PS C:> Get-PSSnapin -registered | Add-PSSnapin -passthru

Save the console configuration

To save the configuration of the current console, (including any extra snap-ins that are loaded) to a (.psc1) console file use Export-Console:

PS C:> Export-Console C:\SS64.psc1

Restore the console configuration

To open a PowerShell console with a saved console configuration, start PowerShell with the -PsConsoleFile parameter.

PS C:> powershell.exe -psconsolefile C:\SS64.psc1

"When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends” ~ Japanese Proverb

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

Export-Console - Export current console configuration to a file.
get-PSSnapin - List PowerShell snap-ins on this computer.
Remove-PSSnapin - Remove PowerShell snap-ins from the console.
Import-Module - Add a module to the session.

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