
Gets the restore points on the local computer.

      Get-ComputerRestorePoint [[-RestorePoint] Int32[]] [CommonParameters]
      Get-ComputerRestorePoint -LastStatus [CommonParameters]

       Get the status of the most recent system restore operation.

   -RestorePoint int
       Get the restore points with the specified sequence numbers.
       Enter the sequence numbers of one or more restore points.
       By default, Get-ComputerRestorePoint gets all restore points on the local computer.

You can use Get-ComputerRestorePoint to select a restore point, and you can use the sequence number to Restore-Computer.


List all the restore points on the local computer:

PS C:> Get-ComputerRestorePoint

Get the sequence number of the most recently created restore point:

PS C:> ((Get-ComputerRestorePoint)[-1]).sequencenumber

List all the restore points on the local computer in a table:

PS C:> Get-ComputerRestorePoint | Format-Table SequenceNumber, _
@{Label="Date"; Expression={$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.CreationTime)}}, Description -auto

Display the status of the most recent system restore operation:

PS C:> Get-ComputerRestorePoint -laststatus

Get the restore points with sequence numbers 460, 461, and 464:

PS C:> Get-ComputerRestorePoint -restorepoint 460, 461, 464

#You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need# ~ The Rolling Stones

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

Restore-Computer - Restore the computer to a previous state.
Enable-ComputerRestore - Enable System Restore on a drive.

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