
Retrieve the SMB shares on the computer.

      Get-SmbShare [[-Name] String[]] [-Scoped Boolean] [[-ScopeName] String[]
         [-Special Boolean[]] [-ContinuouslyAvailable Boolean] [-ShareState ShareState[]]
            [-FolderEnumerationMode FolderEnumerationMode[]] [-CachingMode CachingMode[]]
               [-LeasingMode LeasingMode[]] [-ConcurrentUserLimit UInt32[]] [-AvailabilityType AvailabilityType[]]
                  [-CaTimeout UInt32[]] [-EncryptData Boolean] [-CompressData Boolean] [-IncludeHidden]
                     [-SmbInstance SmbInstance] [-CimSession CimSession[]] [-ThrottleLimit Int32]
                        [-AsJob] [CommonParameters]
   -AsJob       Run the cmdlet as a background job. Use this parameter to run commands that take a long time to complete.

                Specifies the cluster type of the shares being enumerated.
                NonClustered | Clustered | ScaleOut | CSV | DFS

                Specify the caching mode of the offline files for the SMB share.
                There are five caching modes:
                   None        Prevent users from storing documents and programs offline.
                   Manual      Allow users to identify the documents and programs that they want to store offline.
                   Programs    Automatically store documents and programs offline.
                   Documents   Automatically store documents offline.
                   BranchCache Enable BranchCache and manual caching of documents on the shared folder.

   -CATimeout   The continuous availability time-out of the shares being enumerated.

   -CimSession  Run the cmdlet in a remote session or on a remote computer.
                Enter a computer name or a session object, such as the output of New-CimSession or Get-CimSession.
                The default is the current session on the local computer.

                Indicate that the shares being enumerated should request compression from clients.

                The maximum number of concurrently connected users that the SMB share may accommodate.
                If this parameter is set to zero (0), then the number of users is unlimited.
                By default, new SMB shares have no limit on the number of concurrent connections.

   -Confirm     Prompt for confirmation before running the cmdlet.

                Indicate whether the share is continuously available
                (SMB Transparent Failover setup in Windows Failover Clustering configuration).

   -Description A description of the SMB share, the description is an optional field, so may not be populated.

   -EncryptData Indicates whether the SMB share is encrypted.

                Which files and folders in the new SMB share will be visible to the users.
                Accepted values:
                AccessBased    SMB does not the display the files and folders for a share to a user unless that
                               user has rights to access the files and folders.
                               By default, access-based enumeration is disabled for new SMB shares.

                Unrestricted   Display files and folders to a user even if the user does not have access permission to them.

   -Force       Run the commandwithout asking for user confirmation.

   -InputObject The input object to be used in a pipeline command.

                Specifies SMB leasing and oplock behaviors for application compatibility.
                Accepted values:
                   Full    Use default lease and oplock behaviors from SMB3.
                   Shared  Grant read-caching lease but not write or handle-caching.
                   None    No oplocks or leases, behave like SMB1 (not recommended).

   -Name        The name of one or more SMB shares to retrieve.

   -PassThru    Return an object representing the item with which you are working.
                By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output.

   -ScopeName   The scope name of the SMB share.

                The input to this cmdlet. You can use this parameter, or you can pipe the input to this cmdlet.

                Specifies the maximum number of concurrent operations that can be established to run the cmdlet.
                If this parameter is omitted or a value of 0 is entered, then PowerShell calculates an optimum throttle limit
                for the cmdlet based on the number of CIM cmdlets that are running on the computer.
                The throttle limit applies only to the current cmdlet, not to the session or to the computer.

   -WhatIf      Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.

This cmdlet returns a MSFT_SmbShare object that represents the modified share.


Get all SMB shares:

PS C:\> Get-SMBShare
 Name                       ScopeName                  Path                          Description 
 ----                       ---------                  ----                          ----------- 
 ADMIN$                     *                          C:\Windows                    Remote Admin 
 C$                         *                          C:\                           Default share 
 ClusterStorage$            SS64-SO                    C:\ClusterStorage             Cluster Shared Volumes Def... 
 D$                         *                          D:\                           Default share 
 F$                         *                          F:\                           Default share 
 G$                         *                          G:\                           Default share 
 H$                         *                          H:\                           Default share 
 I$                         SS64-FS                    I:\                           Cluster Default Share 
 I$                         *                          I:\                           Default share 
 IPC$                       *                                                        Remote IPC 
 J$                         SS64-FS                    J:\                           Cluster Default Share 
 J$                         *                          J:\                           Default share 
 K$                         *                          K:\                           Default share 
 L$                         *                          L:\                           Default share 
 M$                         *                          M:\                           Default share 
 N$                         *                          N:\                           Default share 
 VMS1                       SS64-FS                    I:\VMS 
 VMS2                       SS64-FS                    J:\VMS 
 VMS3                       SS64-SO                    C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\VMS 
 VMS4                       SS64-SO                    C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2\VMS 
 VMS5                       *                          D:\VMS

Get a specific SMB share on the local computer:

PS C:\> Get-SmbShare -Name "VMS1" | Format-List
Name : VMS1
ScopeName : SS64-FS
Path : I:\VMS
Description :

Display all properties about a specific SMB share on the local computer in a list:

PS C:\> Get-SmbShare -Name "VMS1" | Format-List -Property *
PresetPathAcl : System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity
ShareState    : Online

Get shares on the local computer that have scaled out availability:

PS C:\> Get-SmbShare | Where-Object -Property AvailabilityType -Eq ScaleOut
 Name                ScopeName      Path                            Description
 ----                ---------      ----                            -----------  
 ClusterStorage$     SS64-SO        C:\ClusterStorage               Cluster Shared Volumes Def...  
 VMS3                SS64-SO        C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\VMS  
 VMS4                SS64-SO        C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2\VMS

Get shares that are connected to a specific server:

PS C:\> Get-SmbShare -ScopeName "SS64-FS"
 Name                ScopeName      Path           Description
 ----                ---------      ----           -----------
 I$                  SS64-FS        I:\            Cluster Default Share
 J$                  SS64-FS        J:\            Cluster Default Share
 VMS1                SS64-FS        I:\VMS
 VMS2                SS64-FS        J:\VMS

“Interactive users are twice as productive when the computer response time is 0.25 second instead of 2.0 Seconds” ~ Doherty and Kelisky IBM Computer systems Journal, 1984

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

New-SmbShare - Create an SMB share.
Set-SmbShare - Modify the properties of an SMB share.
ShareAudit.vbs - Audit shares across the domain (Redmond Mag).
Get-SmbShareAccess - Retrieve the ACL of an SMB share.
Grant-SmbShareAccess - Add an allow ACE for a trustee to the security descriptor of the SMB share.

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