How-to: The Reddick VBA Naming Conventions - Objects

Visual Basic 4.0 objects

Table 10 shows the tags for suggested Visual Basic 4.0 objects.

Table 10. Visual Basic 4.0 object tags.

Tag Object Type
app App
chk CheckBox
clp Clipboard
cbo ComboBox
cmd CommandButton
ctl Control
dat Data
dir DirListBox
drv DriveListBox
fil FileListBox
frm Form
fra Frame
hsb HScrollBar
img Image
lbl Label
lin Line
lst ListBox
mdi MDIForm
mnu Menu
ole OLE
opt OptionButton
pic PictureBox
prt Printer
scr Screen
shp Shape
txt TextBox
tmr Timer
vsb VScrollBar

Microsoft common control objects.

Windows 95 and Windows NT have a set of common controls that are accessible from VBA. Table 11 lists the tags for objects created using these controls.

Table 11. Microsoft common control object tags.

Tag Object Type
btn Button (Toolbar)
btns Buttons (Toolbar)
hdr ColumnHeader (ListView)
hdrs ColumnHeaders (ListView)
iml ImageList (ImageList)
lit ListItem (ListView)
lits ListItems (ListView)
lvw ListView (ListView)
nod Node (TreeView)
nods Nodes (TreeView)
pnl Panel (Status Bar)
pnls Panels (Status Bar)
prb ProgressBar (Progress Bar)
sld Slider (Slider)
sbr StatusBar (Status Bar)
tab Tab (Tab Strip)
tabs Tabs (Tab Strip)
tbs TabStrip (Tab Strip)
tbr Toolbar (Toolbar)
tvw TreeView (TreeView)

Other OLE custom controls and objects

Finally, Table 12 lists the tags for other commonly used OLE custom controls and objects.

Table 12. Tags for commonly-used OLE custom controls.

Tag Object Type
ani AniPushButton (Animated Push Button)
cdl CommonDialog (Common Dialog)
dbc DBCombo (Data Bound Combo Box)
dbg DBGrid (Data Bound Grid)
dls DBList (Data Bound List Box)
gau Gauge (Gauge)
gph Graph (Graph)
grd Grid (Grid)
key MhState (Key State)
mmc MMControl (Multimedia Control)
com MSComm (Communication Port)
msg MAPIMessages (Messaging API Message Control)
msk MaskEdBox (Masked Edit Textbox)
out Outline (Outline Control)
pcl PictureClip (Picture Clip Control)
rtf RichTextBox (Rich Textbox)
ses MAPISession (Messaging API Session Control)
spn SpinButton (Spin Button)

Copyright © 1995 Greg Reddick. You can freely distribute this document.


  1. Introduction - Variable and Procedure names
  2. Prefixes
  3. Suffixes
  4. Object variables and DAO - variables
  5. Database Explorer objects - Table, Query, Form etc
  6. Object Names

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