WINGET search

Search and show all applications available for installation.

      WINGET search [[-q] \query] [\options] [-?]


   -q, --query  The query flag is the default argument used to search for an app.
                It does not need to be specified. Entering the command winget search foo will
                default to using --query so including it is unnecessary.

   -?, --help   Get additional help on this command.


   --accept-source-agreements  Accept all source license agreements and avoid the prompt.
   --command    Limit the search to the commands listed for the application.

   -e, --exact  Use the exact string in the query, including checking for case-sensitivity.
                It will not use the default behavior of a substring.

   --header  Optional Windows-Package-Manager REST source HTTP header.
   --id      Limit the search to the ID of the application.
             The ID includes the publisher and the application name.

   --name    Limit the search to the name of the application.
   -n, --count   Show no more than specified number of results (between 1 and 1000).

   --moniker     Limit the search to the moniker specified.
   -s, --source  Find package using the specified source name.

   --tag          Limit the search to the tags listed for the application.
   --verbose-logs  Override the logging setting and create a verbose log.

The query argument is positional. Wild-card style syntax is not supported. This is most often the string of characters you expect to help find the package you are searching for.

If the search command includes no filters or options, it will display all available applications in the default source.
You can also search for all applications in another source if you pass in just the source option.


The string will be treated as a substring. The search by default is also case insensitive:

C:\> WINGET search micro could return the following:

To narrow results down to a specific source, just pass the --source or -s parameter and specify what you want. For example, you might want to see if Visual Studio Code is in the store by running:

C:\> WINGET search “Visual Studio Code” -s msstore.

This search uses "Visual Studio Code" as the query.

“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life” ~ Albert Camus

Related commands

GitHub repository
WINGET - Discover, install, upgrade, remove and configure applications on Windows computers.
MSIEXEC - Microsoft Windows Installer.
WUAUCLT - Windows Update.

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