WINGET source

Search and show all applications available for installation.

      source \sub-command \options [-?]


   -?, --help  Get additional help on this command.


   add [-n, --name] \name [-a] \url [[-t] \type]
                              Add a new source, --name and name are required.

   list [-n, --name] \name    Enumerate the list of enabled sources.

   update [-n, --name] \name  Update an individual source or all.

   remove [-n, --name] \name  Remove a source, --name and name are required.

   reset   Reset winget and msstore back to the initial configuration.
           This sub command should only be used in rare cases, it will clean up all sources.
           Requires the --force argument.

   export  Export current sources


   --accept-source-agreements   Accept the source license agreement, and avoid the prompt.
   -a,--arg    The URL or UNC of the source.
   --force     Used by reset to ensure a reset is desired.
   --header    Optional Windows-Package-Manager REST source HTTP header.
   n,--name    The name to identify the source by.
   -t,--type   The type of source.
   --verbose-logs   Override the logging setting and create a verbose log.
   -?, --help  Get additional help on this command.

Because the add and remove and reset commands change user access, they require administrator privileges.
The add sub command supports the optional type parameter. Currently only the type 'Microsoft.PreIndexed.Package' is supported.

Individual Sources may request that the user agree to terms before accessing the repository. Before adding or using the repository, the user must agree to the terms presented.


The list sub-command by itself will reveal the complete list of supported sources:

C:\> WINGET source list

List the complete details for a source, identified by name:

C:\> WINGET source list --name contoso

Request an update to each repo:

C:\> WINGET source update

Direct and update an individual source:

C:\> WINGET source update --name contoso

Remove a source:

C:\> WINGET source remove --name Contoso

Reset the client back to its original configuration:

C:\> WINGET source reset --force

Export the specific details for a source to a JSON file:

C:\> WINGET source export winget

List all the repositories (two are available by default):

C:\> WINGET source list
msstore - The Microsoft Store catalog.
winget - The Windows Package Manager app repository.

“The fossil record is incredible when it preserves things, but it’s not a complete record” ~ Jack Hornere

Related commands

GitHub repository
WINGET - Discover, install, upgrade, remove and configure applications on Windows computers.
MSIEXEC - Microsoft Windows Installer.
WUAUCLT - Windows Update.

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