WINGET uninstall

Uninstall the specified application.

      WINGET uninstall [[-q] \query] [\options]


   -q, --query  The query used to search for an app.
   -?, --help  Get additional help on this command.


   --accept-source-agreements   Accept the source license agreement, and avoid the prompt.
   -e, --exact    Use the exact string in the query, including checking for case-sensitivity.
                  It will not use the default behavior of a substring.

   -h, --silent   Run the uninstaller in silent mode. This suppresses all UI.
                  The default experience shows uninstaller progress.

   --header       Optional Windows-Package-Manager REST source HTTP header.
   -i, --interactive   Run the uninstaller in interactive mode. The default experience shows uninstaller progress.

   --id id        Limit the uninstall to the ID of the application.

   -m, --manifest path_to_the_manifest (YAML) file.
                  Use the manifest to run the uninstall from a local YAML file.

   --moniker moniker   Limit the search to the moniker listed for the application.
   --name name      Limit the search to the name of the application.
   -o, --log path   Direct the logging to a log file. Provide a path to a file with read/write access.

   -s, --source name  Restrict the search to the source name provided. Must be followed by the source name.
   --verbose-logs     Override the logging setting and create a verbose log.
   -v, --version ver  Specify an exact version to uninstall. If not specified, will uninstall the
                      highest versioned application.

The query argument is positional. Wild-card style syntax is not supported. This is most often the string of characters you expect to help find the package you are searching for.

If the query provided to winget does not result in a single application to uninstall, then winget will display multiple results. You can then use additional filters to refine the search for a correct application.

The winget list command will display more than just apps installed with the winget. Therefore you can use these commands to quickly and easily remove apps from your PC. e.g. use list to find the application, and then pass the id as part of an uninstall command.


Uninstall a specific version of an application:

C:\> WINGET uninstall --name powertoys --version 0.15.2

Uninstall an application using its ID:

C:\> WINGET uninstall --id "{24559D0F-481C-F3BE-8DD0-D908923A38F8}"

“If you wish to remove avarice you must remove its mother, luxury” ~ Cicero, De Oratore, II

Related commands

GitHub repository
WINGET - Discover, install, upgrade, remove and configure applications on Windows computers.
MSIEXEC - Microsoft Windows Installer.
WUAUCLT - Windows Update.

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